Unread postby Mytical » 04 Mar 2007, 10:51
Ok, I know I come from a different generation then most here. Some I am younger then, most I am older then. Today I seen something rather comical, and rather sad.
I was at a wedding of one of my second cousins (I hate weddings though), and happen to overhear a conversation. One of the people there (some relative I guess, but if so a distant one), a young girl, was showing off her latest gadget. A blackberry. Expensive toy that, but I digress. When asked how she got her parents to buy it she replied "I like threatened to run away and junk. They like folded faster then like a cheap chair or something."
Now if I had tried to play that game with my parents..my dad would have offered me 20 bucks to live on and my mom would have packed my suitcase. In fact, they did exactly that when my older brother threatened to run away. Mom brought out all of his junk, packed in two suitcases, my dad handed him a twenty and said "Good luck." That was it. It lasted a whole two hours and my brother was back asking to be let in. (The one I call CW btw). Of course this was after it got to the point where 'corporal punishment' could get your kids taken away. Before that my dad would have just 'tanned my hide' and sent me to my room (ok so he would have had mom do it but same difference). They didn't play games.
Now it is a bit harder. You spank them, children service takes them away. You let them run away, it is child endangerment. You cave in, they walk all over you. Its a catch 222 (worse then a catch 22). Like most things it has gotten way out of proportion. I had my hide 'tanned' a lot of times and I am not a serial killer (though I am a cereal one, just ask froot loops). Granted I am a bit chaotic, forgetful, and confusing, but those can be good qualities also. Anybody out there ever try something like this before? Any parents out there had to deal with it? If so how? Just curious.
Warning, may cause confusion, blindness, raising of eybrows, and insanity.