If the game had a really profoundly developed AI, with the current graphics, it would have been unplayable for most of us. Not everyone can upgrade every second month. My computer is 3 yaers old for example and I practically can't play the largest map size because of my 512 ram... The devs have this in regard as well when they prepare their product. In another world where NASA gives out computetrs to people like me and you for Christmas I would complain as well, don't worry about this.
This is not the first game where AI cheats, so i guess I am already used to it (but not happy at all). This is the ballance between AI and graphics I talked about in another topic... Most people are looking for better graphics, not better gameplay => developers emphasize on the visual side of their games. A major revolt would be needed to change the current history of game development from evolution only in graphics to a real gameplay evolution.
The AI in Heroes V will develop only after a better optimization of the engine in some future patch, when there are free resources for it. This is my educated

As for the Heroic difficulty, yes it can be chalanging, especially on small maps when you are rushed by the computer. When I am with smaller army
omputer (who goes after them instead of my castle), while with my main hero I attack his castle. In this way I win time for building creatures because the AI comes back to get his castle. I play a cat and mouse play, but on the mouse side (important note: watching Tom & Jerry helps to become a better homm 5 player

In the beggining of a game it is VITAL to flag as much mines as possible with the least casualties and this is trained by a lot of playing. There is not a real way to teach somewone this, just practise A LOT. Do not expect to win from the first time you play, you need also patience. With every game you'll get better and finally you'll be able to win against the AI 1vs1.

you could just say:
some people would understand you better