RMG - template help

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RMG - template help

Unread postby erased. over. out » 17 Dec 2006, 20:44

I suppose this topic would fit better in the Mapmaking Guild, but I don't think a majority of you guys frequent it as much. Hence this post.

I was wondering if anyone could briefly describe the different template options that are available on the RMG. I would experiment myself, but my 2 year old laptop isn't friendly as far as speed and memory are concerned.

Do the templates only affect physical aspects of the map as far as terrain and obstacles are concerned? Or do they affect things like Creature Dwellings, Artifacts, Treasures, Obelisks, and the like? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I often play RMG maps. ;)

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They affect everything u stated

Unread postby nevermindspy » 17 Dec 2006, 20:50

I can post a sample of a template here but there problem is ubi don't post how to install it yet and until then making one is useless.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 17 Dec 2006, 23:15

I've been looking for an explanation of the template names. Surely, there is some meaning to these character strings.
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Unread postby erased. over. out » 17 Dec 2006, 23:22

Caradoc wrote:I've been looking for an explanation of the template names. Surely, there is some meaning to these character strings.
Thanks Caradoc. I've been trying to decipher them myself. Should we give Robert Langdon a call? :devious:

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Unread postby DarkZenith » 18 Dec 2006, 23:36

I know 2 of them anyways...
Eg Name: S1-3P2-8Z8K2_1

the S1-3 means the map can be any size from 1-3
1= Small
2= Normal
3= Large
5= Extra Large

P2-8 means the number of players in the template... 2-8 means you need a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8. some of the templates only have P2 listed and can only have 2 players on the map.

I am still working on Z and K

K can also be listed as V or N... so I have no idea... I suspect one of them is for underground y/n (Z would indicate a possible meaning of depth meaning underground?)

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Unread postby Caradoc » 19 Dec 2006, 17:59

That helps. I worry that the other letters stand for Russian words.

Is there no map size 4?
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Unread postby Blaze85 » 19 Dec 2006, 18:20

DarkZenith wrote:I know 2 of them anyways...
Eg Name: S1-3P2-8Z8K2_1

the S1-3 means the map can be any size from 1-3
1= Small
2= Normal
3= Large
5= Extra Large
I found in the map editor S4-7, S5-10 template codes...
I don't think they are for map size...
As for P, it could be player's number though.

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Unread postby Van-d-all » 20 Dec 2006, 21:27

Greetings everyone, as this is my first post here.

I'm trying to figure out how do the RMG templates work too. First things first - there are 7 different letters in the template names: S,P,Z,N,V,K & B. And that's what i think:

S - I also think that this is the map's size because if you acces the RMG from within the game different templates become avalible to select depending on what mapsize you'll choose, and though codes like S4-7 exist I think, they're intended to some mapisizes that just wern't included or maps with dungeons (dungeon makes the mapsize like twice as big...) but those are just my speculations...

P - Seems like the number of players, as depending on the number following this letter adequate numbers of players can by set, be it in Map Editor or from the game.

Z - Is probably the number of "zones", that's how I call it, meaning a castle and the castle-specific kind of terrain around it. And that's a shame cause looking through the templates you'll notice that's the most fixed number in all of them, and there aren't many possibilities here, but that's probably because of how nice the generator creates and places the "zones" around the map (guess it was quite a problem to implement).

K - This is my wild guess but I think it's some kind of notification of how much connections between different "zones" there are, as when the Z number is big, the K numbers get larger too. Because sometimes it's followed by a single number and sometimes by a set like 2_3 I wasn't able to figure it out exactly...

As for the rest of the letters I have no clue. Well at least for now...

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Unread postby Pitsu » 21 Dec 2006, 11:31

I do not have HoF and cannot do any experiments, but shouldn't there be any variable about the density of adventure map objects and their challenge levels?
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