This game is in development for quite some time, they claim more than a year, albeit for Early Access or Release Date you will need to wait.
The developer is Czech Oxymoron Studio, which already worked on games like Total War: Three Kingdoms or Quantum Brake or Mafia II/III and the list would be longer. With the top, completely developed on their own, Project Hospital.

Let see the official annoucement:
New War in Ancient Universe
The Siren star system, birthplace of a galactic alliance, and the homeworld of a lost Primals civilization, has been cut from the rest of the galaxy. As a result, the carefully built alliance split into bickering factions and secluded colonies. These days, hardly anyone pays attention to the ruins scattered all over the few habitable planets of a freshly isolated system. The deeper you venture into the uncharted regions, the stronger the feeling of endangerment grows. There is something else. An entity, a shade, an echo of whispers from below.
Key elements
- Explore a rich sci-fi world and discover secrets of a lost civilization
- Collect powerful artifacts, secure important resources, upgrade your bases and hire the strongest units
- Level-up your commanders and crush your opponents in exciting turn-based battles
- Take control over several different species and factions
- Old-school strategy game with modern controls and intuitive UI
You can read more and subscribe at silenceofthesiren.com or at Steam. Project Hospital was success, so there's a reason why to keep expectations high this time.
What is unclear is, if they will plan to support longevity with map / campaign editor, modding support or it will have several time replay value. So smaller in scope and ambitions but faster to complete. This or that, everlasting question.

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