Hello Heroes, today, we are pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited Might & Magic® Heroes® VI Standalone Expansion, which is set to be released in Spring 2013!
This fully fledged expansion will feature a new fan-favorite faction to Heroes VI, Dungeon, led by the Dark Elves. The Dark Elves have left the forests of Irollan, made a pact with the mysterious Faceless and escaped extermination, becoming underground renegades, stealthy and revered assassins. This faction is introduced to an epic campaign that not only unveils unexplored territories of Ashan, but also recounts the mysterious origins of their people.


An Assassin is like the shadow of Malassa. As a Sylvan Elf is impossible to spot in the forest, an Assasin is invisible underground. He reveals himself only when he strikes. Usually wearing black clothes, an Assassin's favorite weapon is a pair of sharp and serrated daggers.

The Shadow Lurker is a minor Spirit of Darkness in the shape of a floating orb of shadows with a single central purple and glowing eye and several eyestalks framing its body like tentacles, each ending in a smaller eye.
It is said these beings are born in Malassa’s dark wings, before detaching themselves to roam in the subterranean realms. Those unfortunate to cross their gaze see their worst nightmares reflected in the Lurker's unblinking eyes.
The Watchers are evolved aspects of the Lurkers. Like Malassa herself, they can see through the shadows, the secrets and the lies. The Dark Elves use them to uncover hidden truths.


Like the Harpies and Centaurs, the Minotaurs are Beastmen, created by the Wizards of the Seven Cities in the year 512 YSD. Half-human and half-bull, the The Minotaur was meant to be the shock infantry to fight alongside the Centaur cavalry.
As for a Minotaur Guard, the Crimson Wizards of Al-Rubit, in a diplomatic gesture that surprised many and angered their neighbours in the Silver Cities, made a gift of one thousand loyal Minotaurs to the Dark Elves. In a short period of time, the Minotaurs took oaths of loyalty to the Dark Elves and Malassa. The Dark Elves that appreciated their strength and loyalty gave them freedom instead of using them as slaves. Both sides have benefitted from this new friendship since.

The Manticore is a Magical Beast created during the Mythic Age.
At that time, the surface of Ashan was irrigated by Dragon Veins. Beasts that drank these untammed rivers of dragonblood crystals were permantly altered by their powerful magic.
The Manticore seems to mix features of various animals: lion, bat, scorpion. The Manticore is notorious for its venomous stinger. Its poison corrodes the hardest materials like acid and cripples the muscles, inducing a progressive paralysis.
The Scorpicore is a Manticore that the Dark Elves exposed to an underground Nexus of dragonblood crystals attuned to the elemental powers of Darkness. This makes the magical beast more powerful, and more receptive to its master's commands.

The Faceless are the children of the Malassa. Masters of infiltration, spying, and stealth.
The Faceless are the most mysterious and unknown of all the followers of the Dragon Gods. What little can be said of them is that they are clothed in shadow and mystery; if they are perceived at all it is a fleeting image from the corner of the eye, an odd moment of déjà vu, a strange sense that one is being watched... The Faceless move in the shadows. They enter one shadow and leave from another. The Faceless don't need to speak, they can communicate by telepathy, from mind to mind. They are poorly trusted by their allies and greatly feared by their enemies.
The Faceless Puppeteers own their name to their dreadful ability to penetrate one's mind and take control of the victim's body. The Puppeteer's will imposes itself into its host and bends it to its new master's every whims...

The Shadow Dragon is the avatar of Malassa, the Dragon Goddess of Darkness. They take the form of a dragon of onyx, with purple orbs embedded on their wings – these are the eyes of Malassa, capable of seeing any kind of shadows, litterary or metaphorically. The Shadow Lurkers are said to be born from these glowing orbs.
When a Shadow Dragon unfolds its wings in anger, the countless eyes mesmerize its enemies, summoning all kinds of terrifying nightmares in their broken minds. If a more deadly course of action is required, the Shadow Dragons can count on their physical might and their withering breath, that will slowly but surely consume their victim's lifeforce.
The legendary Black Dragons are the ultimate evolution of the Shadow Dragons. On their wings, the eyes of Malassa are replaced by intricate patterns of light constantly dissolving, like galaxies being swallowed by the eternal darkness of space.