Heroes 6 wish list

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Heroes 6 wish list

Unread postby Kalah » 04 Oct 2010, 15:30

I was going to clean and restructure the original wish list, but then I realized it was such a big job filtering out the discussion elements that I couldn't be bothered. Also, some of the discussion was really nice and I wanted to keep it. Instead, I put up this new thread.

This time, we are going to make our posts so short, consise and easy to read that the Ubi people can be bothered to come here and read it. Long, talkative posts will simply be deleted.

Let's get it on. Make a wish, folks! :)
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Unread postby wimfrits » 04 Oct 2010, 19:18

Reduce micromanagement:

- no movement point cost for picking up resources or accessing buildings (standard 'snatch' ability of HV). This will reduce the use of secondary heroes for pick-up duty and increase their use in a more strategic way.

- caravans and creature summoning
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Unread postby TheUndeadKing » 05 Oct 2010, 01:53

- Fix the creature retaliation system. The current system is flawed, outdated and easily exploitable.
- Bring back faction-specific schools of magic (and their associated spells).
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 05 Oct 2010, 07:08

- make War Machines be more useful during the whole game;
- make the Titan have as much life as the Black Dragon and be able to shoot more then just 5 times;
- make the BF's even larger
- give us units that have low init and high movement and vice-versa, it's good for variety;
- better level of zoom, at least zoom out on the adventure map;
- allow the BF camera to pan around the whole BF, not just half of it;
- bring back H4's auto-battle options, including the option to redo auto-battles by fighting them ourselves;
- have spellbooks with more spells per page, H5's spell icons where too big
- Give us a real beta like SC2 had.
- put in 2 factions per expansion
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Unread postby intipacha » 05 Oct 2010, 07:23

- remove initiative, go back to H3, that's real strategy. init/morale is OP

- go back to hex field map in battle, possibly also on adventure map. it is the most correct way, when you think about it.

- make the game design look more relaxing and positive, not so choppy and dark.

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Unread postby Metal Wolf » 05 Oct 2010, 14:48

- Less static, more dynamic (including roaming creatures)
- Interactive menus (camera flying to each dwelling/structure selected in the menu, easy access without making town graphics useless)
- Slower town growth, economics less dependant on structures (more on adventure map objects)

- Low-tier creatures stay useful in lategame
- Varying sizes (not just 1x1 or 2x2)

- unique portraits like in Homm2 (better than any written biography)
- Might Hero should be more active in combat

Adventure Map:
- More developed sea travel (like in Homm 4)
- Varying weather (may effect combat and travelling)
- (much) more "heavy" adventure-map spells are needed

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Unread postby Zenofex » 07 Oct 2010, 12:09

- Do not release the game before it's as bug-free as possible. The initial version of HoMM V was next to unplayable;
- Do no make Sylvan-like factions with almost no weaknesses / too many advantages compared to the other, this is spoiling the multiplayer games by making one or more faction "excludable" due to obvious overpowering;
- Do not leave the map-making work to the community, the initial release should have enough maps to keep the player occupied at least until several times this amount of fan-made maps is available on-line;
- Do not ignore the importance of the details when creating the gaming world, they are what make one game more or less charming.

- Do provide each faction with functionally new creatures (i.e. - creatures that serve a new role on the battlefield, not a giant lightning rod with no melee penalty, which however is not called Titan);
- Do add a RMG with the initial version of the game if this won't increase the development time too much;
- Do make the factions as unique as possible without limiting their strategical and tactical behaviour to "only suitable for offence", "only suitable for spell-casting", etc., like certain factions in HoMM V.
- Do focus on the music, it is indeed very significant part of the game atmosphere. Good music is more important than eye-candies.
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Unread postby Derek » 12 Oct 2010, 00:01

Please have varying growths for creatures. In HOMMIV, one of the most interesting dynamics was its insistence on staggered growth. We all recall the 1 black dragon vs. 2 hydras--was it worth it? Maybe, maybe not. The point was, however, that it created a "feel" for the dragon. I'd like to see this again.

(I know there won't be unit choices like in HOMMIV--this is more about growth rates helping the fiction of the creature)
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Unread postby Thelonious » 19 Oct 2010, 17:17

Do not be afraid to make changes, as long as they don't change the gameplay all to much.

Make a good scaleable AI; fans of the series need a challenge or else they will resort to mapmaking to soon.

Replayability; make it so that there are more than one ways to Rome.

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Unread postby MattII » 19 Oct 2010, 20:14

* Allow us to control war machines without the war machine skill.
* Drop the Grail and bring back the Ultimate Artefacts from H1/2.
* More spells, especially adventure-map ones.
* Allow an option to retreat without losing your entire army.
* Make it so that you can bribe some creatures into dispersing,
* Give casters linear rather than fixed mana pools.
* Allow heroes into combat like in H4 (but not so over-powered at high levels).
* Give us at least 2 (and preferably the original 4) rare resources to work with.
* Make it so that creatures from your own, or allied factions are more likely to join you than neutral creatures or those from enemy factions.
* If you're going with the auto-grab option for mines, make it so that a hero can disable a mine for a certain number of turns, so that the enemy can't instantly regain the use of it.
* Make it so that creatures can gain better stats if they've been in a lot of battles.
* An option for maps where your hero can go more than 7 days without a town, but has low morale.

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Unread postby Variol » 20 Oct 2010, 09:15

The big thing for me is, "keep it simple!". The terrain, objects and creatures can be simple looking and still look nice. Heaven forbid the game should actually run fast!! 8|

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Unread postby Minnakht » 26 Oct 2010, 19:16

Simultaneous attack-retaliation like in H4 unless creature skills state otherwise
Mass spells simply being high-level spells and not talent result, H4 instead of H3 and H5 here
The ATB bar from H5, but with the initiative being much less varying by creatures. Some can get, say, one move more out of three-four turns, but not multiple moves per one of the enemy. And with no artifacts to modify initiative.
Large, really large battlefields.
Possibly a battle map like in H4 instead of hexes/squares/whatever.
H4-style caravans.
H4-style auto-wind-and-watermills.
Don't be cheap, if you're planning to release more factions, do it in the base game instead of milking us with addons!
H4-style multiple oracles. Each giving some kind of a great artifact incomparable to those found normally, and when all oracles are found, THE GRAIL's location might appear.

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Unread postby Bugle » 27 Oct 2010, 09:19

I agree, don't shoe horn in another faction, and 2 factions/expansion would be great

as for some wishes...

-Neutral dragons (a la Armageddon's Blade)
-In town phoenix (can be in expansions if no sorceress/rampart/nature/sylvanish town is around)
-paper doll for artifacts (including multiple side/pocket slots for miscelaneous items)
-Neutral Heroes a la Heroes IV (Don't have to wander)
-Special terrain like cursed ground, holy ground, etc (a la III)
-Few or no townless levels in the campaigns as well as few or no levels without opponents.
-Low move monsters slowing down heroes.
-Mousing over morale, luck, or movement points shows all modifiers to the relevant stat. For movement, show modifiers to max movement and also exactly how much you have remaining in "current/max" format.

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Unread postby nye_player » 04 Nov 2010, 21:50

Tactics ability, it not only let you choose where to place your units with a wider field but let you split or merge units mid combat

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Unread postby Orfinn » 20 Dec 2010, 22:27

Alternate upg creatures in expansion packs - as in H5. But PROPERLY balanced!

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Unread postby Variol » 21 Dec 2010, 18:26

I would like to see a lot of the confirmation screens disappear. I hate being asked if really want to load, or save over something, or exit the game... c'mon.

It would be excellent is they could do the same thing as what Wizardry 8 had. The same key is actually 3 different save files. It saves in 1,2,3, then starts over.

Demons should not have access to light magic.

I think having 3 to 4 monster types is plenty, but make so that even the tier 1 creature has some advantage, over the upgrades. That way, they are never obsolete.

I would still love to see a different number of creatures in each of the different towns, otherwise, it's just 7 units of the same thing, which look different.

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Unread postby junnexgolem » 12 Jan 2011, 19:31

Better/Greater/Stronger/Wiser/Intelligent(er)[hehehe] AI please.. AIs that that are not better because they cheat! ü

Add Different upgrades/Unit for more creature complexities (Adds to strategy)ü

And the MOST important part...

.. i want Sandro. i cherished and adored him from start to his said misfortune. i wish to see him in his glory before he died for the last time.. T_T

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Unread postby Kalah » 14 Jan 2011, 13:42

An option to speed things up on the battlefield; movement AND spell casting, for those times when you just want a quick battle.
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Unread postby Calmisto » 04 Feb 2011, 09:18

I want an unobtrusive and good (comprehensive?) User Interface. I haven't played H1 or 2 almost at all but I would think that this is again one thing in which H3 excelled over the others (especially H5).
Everything (can't think of something that wasn't) easily and cleary accessible from your basic map screen. I think H4 still has an exelenet UI but I still prefer the H3, perhaps it's just nostalgia that will fade away now that I'm getting into H4 again, who knows.

The H5 interface on the other hand I felt hugely intrusive, invading on the already small map screen and lacking many of the direct buttons that were there in the NWC games. And the same can imo be said about town screens.

3D is fine and dandy as long as it contributes or at the least dosen't disturb the gameplayexperience.

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 28 Feb 2011, 06:46

-Dynamic battlefield : moving object, attacking object in battlefield
-Various lines up in faction, ( don't make boring lines up faction such as : dwarf using that, dwarf using that, dwarf riding bear, giant dwarf, etc )
-ability to justifiy manna consumption to get certain needed damage. e.g : if it cost 1 manna to do 10 damage, so :
if we need 100 damage to destroy a stack, it'll just consume us 10 manna.
( usually the manna consumption and the damage we get is certain and unchange, which won't efficient to destroy a small stack enemy )
- Good AI

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