MuadDib ... do something about the RMG ... the computer player reaches the enemy's castle too soon (about a month) ... Sorry for the post here but I saw you are concern with making the game better for all of us ...
Answers : 2 PhoenixReborn - when you use my mod or any other mod ? Beacuse I've tried it 100 times and it NEVER crashed the game ... Maybe you should try a clean install ... 2 King Imp - The answer is NO ... Again 4 my mod only ... you can play HoF without a problem ... I do all the time ... RMG and...
People need to stop ragging about H5 ! The game is very good and the graphics are excellent. I bet CloudRiderX and ThunderTitan have week computers ... that's why they complain !
I don't care too much for all of the other changes, but I need the RMG to perform perfectly to play a decent map. Hope it works great now .... See you all on Hamachi ... who wants to join my server mss me.
It's more to a game than just the creatures ... you mean to say that the adventure map in H3 looks better that H5 (mountains, trees, snow), the game looks beautiful, this is what we all must agree.
First of all ... a review is just somebody's opinion. I for one love H3SOD but hate H3WOG ! The reason is that i bealive that Heroes 3 reached it's perfect status when SOD came on the market. Heroes 5 is so beautiful, let's face it. It has the look that Heroes 3 needed, but in the end it won't be as...
Just Finished the game in HARD SETTINGS !!! I didn't have any problems with the game. Not even 1 crash. SUPERB - My rating 9.5 !!!
Probably all the people who have problems have low end PC's. I have a 7900 GT and the HDR is magninificent. Can't wait 4 "Farmers of Hate" on the 14th. )
Let's admit it ... we all loved H3SOD because we knew the game, and the spells, and the creatures, and so on .... But because of this we needed a new Heroes, with changes. Agreed, not all change is for the best, but the changes in Heroes 5 can and WILL lead to a game that can be at the same level wi...
Jesus ... I have been waiting for this for 2 damn months !!!! Can't wait for the 8 hours remaining. I love Heroes 5 ... LOVED HEROES 3, but when the RMG will arrive, people will forget about Heroes 3. Heroes 5 is that GOOD. Can't wait for a decent Multiplayer map.