Search found 12 matches
- 17 Jan 2018, 01:31
- Forum: Equilibris
- Topic: equi.aop link broken. popping up as htm file
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5697
equi.aop link broken. popping up as htm file
just to let you know your link to download the aop file is poping up as a htm. in other words it wont let me download it.
- 25 Jan 2009, 03:26
- Forum: Heroes I-IV
- Topic: Heroes of Might and Magic IV Complete - Ubisoft Exclusive
- Replies: 27
- Views: 11143
- 21 Jan 2009, 23:43
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: cant get timed evetn to work in homm 4 equi.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2545
cant get timed evetn to work in homm 4 equi.
hi folks. i have made a few timed events for some towns that nither i or the computer players own. it dells with the garrison. what i have done is on the first day a certian number of creatures get added to the garrison. now i have it to repeat but for some reason i cant get it to work.. basicly do ...
- 19 Jan 2009, 22:56
- Forum: Equilibris
- Topic: 3.55 Alpha version of 3.6
- Replies: 44
- Views: 40806
- 05 Jul 2006, 19:49
- Forum: Mapmaking Guild
- Topic: carrying over
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3170
carrying over
Does anyone know how to carry over the creatures you bulid up in your armies over form one map in a campaign to another map in said campaign. Becuase when i paly the game it seems like the only things that can be carried over to the next map in a campaign are the heroes one accuires during game play...
- 10 May 2006, 21:16
- Forum: Equilibris
- Topic: How Do I Get The Face Tool To Work
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6538
How Do I Get The Face Tool To Work
How do I get the face tool for the Equilibris work because I am getting this error assertion failure (c:\modding\facetool\tavernunit.pas, line 699)" if I need a ceartin folder for it to work then is there any place where i can download a zip file there for i could get said folder. Because just ...
- 05 Mar 2006, 09:32
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Ubi and Copy Protection
- Replies: 225
- Views: 77225
q for lilac's son.
LIlac i need to know form your son weather he or you are using any softeware that will let you burn a iso image of a disk and if your son has been tin the computer bussines for as long as he has then he'll know what i mean by an iso image burn is and if you are using said software then that si your ...
- 03 Mar 2006, 04:32
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Ubi and Copy Protection
- Replies: 225
- Views: 77225
where are you people getting this idea that sf does not work for mac any way b/c all it take is to port sf over to the mac os which form my understanding is just a better verison of the windows os also form what i am hearing is that ubi is discusing with mac about porting the sf softeware over to wo...
- 02 Mar 2006, 00:09
- Forum: Heroes V-VI
- Topic: Ubi and Copy Protection
- Replies: 225
- Views: 77225
you are dreaming if you think ubi is going to put out a mac
all of you are dreaming if you think ubi is going to put out a mac verison of heroes v wiith out some sort of burning portection software with it that is bad bussiness decison to protech a pc verison and not portech a mac verison of the game b/c it's just as easy to crack a mac verison as it is a pc...
- 05 Feb 2006, 10:23
- Forum: Wake of Gods
- Topic: cheat codes for wog that work
- Replies: 7
- Views: 39889
thank you all for the help
- 02 Feb 2006, 07:07
- Forum: Wake of Gods
- Topic: cheat codes for wog that work
- Replies: 7
- Views: 39889
cheat codes for wog that work
Hey are there any cheat codes for wog
- 02 Feb 2006, 02:05
- Forum: Wake of Gods
- Topic: possiable bug in wog 3.58f
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4847
possiable bug in wog 3.58f
Hi guys i am not sure if anyone has come across a this problem before. I have used the monster statistics script editor to change some of the creature. And the problem i am having is when ever i click on the upgrade verision of the wolf rider bank the game crash's and i get this error msg. EIP=0x004...