Heroes of Might &... Today, 06:20 by Pol (108 replies) in News Devlog #8: On Triumvirate's Strength and the Alvar Pact
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 23:27 by YamiDragoon (8600 replies) in Might and Magic Sorry, from your wording it sounded like you are loading an old save.. misunderstood!
Maybe the merge...
Elemental Mod for MM7... 12.03, 11:17 by Tomsod (240 replies) in Might and Magic Blaster of the Wraith, now that would be overpowered.
Well, they already attack with irresistible energy,...
Behemoth's Lair are currently running registration for a tournament for Heroes III players. In this tournament, you can connect with other H3 players and get a proper challenge.
You can create an account at their page here and register for the tournament here (registration ends Feb. 7th).
Heroes of Might &... Today, 06:20 by Pol (108 replies) in News Devlog #8: On Triumvirate's Strength and the Alvar Pact
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 23:27 by YamiDragoon (8600 replies) in Might and Magic Sorry, from your wording it sounded like you are loading an old save.. misunderstood!
Maybe the merge...
Elemental Mod for MM7... 12.03, 11:17 by Tomsod (240 replies) in Might and Magic Blaster of the Wraith, now that would be overpowered.
Well, they already attack with irresistible energy,...