Heroes of Might &... 28 minutes ago by Pol (107 replies) in News Devlog #1 | Templates in Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era
Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 11:17 by Tomsod (240 replies) in Might and Magic Blaster of the Wraith, now that would be overpowered.
Well, they already attack with irresistible energy,...
Might and Magic 6,... Today, 10:26 by toadking (8588 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...
GameSpot reports that Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes will be the next free title offered to Xbox Live Gold subscribers next month. During the past few months, Microsoft has been giving away free games to subscribers as part of its Games with Gold program. Owners of a 360 have a great opportunity to pick up this little gem, which has receive very positive reviews everywhere.
If you'd like to play a quick battle, my Gamertag is "Christian Doe". Send me a message and we'll arrange something.
Heroes of Might &... 28 minutes ago by Pol (107 replies) in News Devlog #1 | Templates in Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era
Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 11:17 by Tomsod (240 replies) in Might and Magic Blaster of the Wraith, now that would be overpowered.
Well, they already attack with irresistible energy,...
Might and Magic 6,... Today, 10:26 by toadking (8588 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...