Here's an extract:
"Game development to me is about engagement and connection. A game must connect with a player on his terms and involve him on a personal level. The activity could be as simple as pattern matching on a slot game or complex as full-blown immersive role playing game. Connecting with players on an emotional level is the primary focus in my current work, though instead of fantastic visuals I focus on psychology and orchestration. When designing for RPG’s, to me one of the most appealing concepts is “The Grand Adventure” – we all want to escape our day-to-day, create a new identity for ourselves and explore the great unknown. We all want comradeship, challenge, excitement, fame and glory. Tapping into and full-filling these universal human desires is one of the best ways to forge enduring connections with a player."
It's a nice read, quite a comprehensive interview. Go here to read the full story.