Our friends over at Good Old Games have a really great Might & Magic sale up, of which there are less than 20 hours remaining (thanks to Fuddelbaerentatze for the tip-off). You get a 75% off when buying 11 games at once, giving you M&M 1-9, HoMM 1-5, Crusaders and Chronicles for $25.89 (full price would be $103.89). If ever you wanted to get hold of these old gems, I guess now's as good a time as any! If you don't want all the games, there's still a 50% discount on buying the selected games.

Other games on sale: the Ultima series at -75%, Sierra's Quest games for less than $20 and The Witcher 2 (enh. ed.) at $7.49 (was $29.99). It is a bit weird that game #3 is not included in the Master of Orion sale, but it's nowhere near the other two in quality anyway. Master of Orion 1 and 2 are among the best games ever made. On GoG you can get them both for $2.99. Best. Buy. Ever.

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