To summarize the more important points, you will be able to enable or disable the Area of control as per your personal choice, the AI will cheat less than in H5, and if you're going to Marzhin's place for a gaming night, make sure to bring lots of sugar-free Coke.
The highlights:
- "The H6 AI is still a work in progress, but obviously we'd like to have something better and "cleaner" that the one in H5. I can already tell you the AI turns are way faster this time around. Also, in H6, the AI will cheat much less and less obviously than in H5.
- What is possible today is to create maps without Areas of Control in the editor. If there is no control point in an area, then mines work the same way they did in the previous Heroes.
- In H6 we brought back the "kingdom overview" screen, where you can see a larger, more detailed minimap. (...) As for the in-game view, you can zoom out more than in H5. It's not a 2D view, but you have a better sense of your surroundings.
- The town screen is actually a town window. The town visuals will be animated. Building and recruiting is done through the window interface."
Read the whole interview here.
These answers will no doubt satisfy fans slightly, but they will no doubt also create a hunger for more. Giving out info to the fans is a bit like giving an ice cube to a man in the desert; very satisfying, but only for about thirty seconds. I predict loud voices shouting for more info in about ... four minutes.