- Dev team new interview! 30 March 2011. Check out Julien and Max interview!
- April Fool! 1 April 2011. Fun animation!
- Website update! 4 April 2011. Sanctuary faction!
- Work-in progress Michael Figurine #6. 6 April 2011. Michael lower body details
- Sanctuary creature! 8 April 2011. Discover the Snow Maiden
- Work-in progress Michael Figurine #7. 11 April 2011. Michael close ups!
- Clash of Heroes HD is out! 13 April 2011. Clash of Heroes HD on Xbla and Psn!
- New Website update! 15 April 2011. Reputation system explained
- Work in progress Michael Figurine #8. 18 April 2011 Michael on his pedestal!
- Beta Opening! 20 April 2011. Beta is now open! You have a key? Jump in!
They were correct about the March 30 and April 1st news and the rest of the news items seem plausible. The biggest announcement remains of course the starting date of the beta on April 20.
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