Ever since ByteBandit asked if people wanted a Heroes II map archive many, many days ago, literally some people have been awaiting its arrival with greater than average expectations. ByteBandit did the work along with his *ahem* "partner" Pol (that's a direct quote, btw.), and the archive can be found at the following location:
So why, other than this great desire for it, did they bother? Well, let's ask them, shall we... So, ByteBandit, why bother? Just out of a sense of service to the Community, is it?
"Celestial Heavens, along with other popular HoMM sites, have many members who still enjoy this game. I, myself being one of them. Yet, CH does not offer maps for HoMM II. That has all changed as of now. The Map Archives are a part of Celestial Heavens. They are our parent site. You'll find most of the maps on the HoMM II Archives are from the old Astral Wizard site started by Phil McCrum back in the mid '90's, complete with original documentation, and untouched by those of us at the Archives. Many sites may have the HoMM II Astral Wizard maps, but they lack the original documentation, which are worth the download in themselves. Believe me."
Enough with the history lesson. Maps, man, talk about the maps.
"Simply put, the best maps from the Astral Wizard site are here. If you have ever played HoMM II and frequented the AW site as I had done for years, you'll know what I'm talking about. All the Award winners and Runnner-Ups. All your favorites aside from the winners. Nearly all of them are now available for you once again. Also, maps from the French site, Site Du Dragons, are here. All, almost rare to find anymore. Many campaigns (yes, campaigns!) from this site are on the Archives."
So what's the fuss with this game, dude? Why are you desperately clinging on to retro games when new games are so infinitely much better? (what...? don't look at me like that... no, obviously I don't actually think that... I'm just reading the effing script, whaddoyouwant from me...)
"Some may say that HoMM II graphics cannot compete with the graphics of today. But you must remember that this game was way ahead of it's time and is still fun to play. And many hold the opinion that HoMM II plays better than most of today's games. So, if you are still playing it or just want to play some of the best quality maps for any of the HoMM games on the planet of the Earth, you'll join us on The HoMM II Map Archives and discover quality once again. I don't think you'll be disappointed."
Seriously: good work, lads.
Released: Heroes II Map Archives
- by Kalah
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