The Bright Future
- by Akul
First campaign that should be mentioned is the unnamed one made by ByteBandit, a well-knows member of RT and mapmaker for all HoMM games, with help of Muszka who is famous for helping many mapmakers on RT.
His campaign is surely unique for it consists of six maps, every of them happening in different HoMM game from H1-H4 (H5 is not included for the hero followed by the storyline is not included in that game). You better dig up your HoMM1, HoMM2, hoMM3SOD, HoMM3WoG, HoMM4WoW and HoMM4Equi (at least those you own) in order to play this unique story-driven campaign!
Link to the forum tread
Another map that I sould mention is Kordine Isles - Unveiled Land (for H3SoD), made by our new member Horns who is a HoMM fan since H2 was released. May the fact that she is new here not confuse you! Testers had great things to say about her map in every aspect of mapmaking (story, landscape, gameplay...). The map can be downloaded from the testing section if you are impatient to try this gem.
May Horns find the Round Table a comfortable place to hang around and may her mapmaking carrier continue to flourish!
Link to the forum tread
Faceless Destinies campaign for H4Equi is made by me (man do I feel stupid for advertising myself) and it shall be released in several one-map campaigns (you can call them episodes if you want) that shall be tightly connected with scripts. The storyline is dynamic and is the primary element of the gameplay, together with few new unique features.
Link to the forum tread
Legends of the Ancients (LotA in short) by Marzhin does not need introduction for almost everyone knows about it.
For those who still don't know about it, LotA is a series of H5HoF and H5TotE campaigns that continue the storyline of Axeoth, where H4WoW and M&M9 ended. Two of four campaigns have been completed and can be downloaded at authors site (lick can be found further bellow)
Story is written and keeps the spirit of old M&M universe while the H5 engine is unchanged, with few minor features added to give it a more unique feel.
Link to the forum tread
Link to author's website
Humakt, another well known mapmaker, especially famous for his H4 maps, is working on two separate projects.
One of them is Gauntlet, a challenging map for H5TotE with two human players pitted against 6 AI players. Big battles shall be waged here, with enemies coming from every side. Using turns to their full potential shall be the key to victory here!
His other map is Gateworks for H4Equi, a unique story driven map whose unique gameplay is best explained by Humakt himself in his forum tread.
Link to the forum tread
Link to author's website
If there is a map/campaign that I forgot to mention, PM me and I shall add it to the list.
And, when I already made such a big post, I should take some time to introduce the new H5TotE map that appeared on the website few days ago.
Mercenaries, made by Franzy is a unique H5 map that tries uses the powerful (tough user-unfriendly) editor to turn the game into a classic RPG game with more than one ending.
Few unique features, like daily fees for soldiers in your army, are introduced and make this map much more enjoyable.
As few members already stated, this is a map you should play even if you ain't a big fan of H5.
Link to the forum tread
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