Might and Magic 6,... Today, 00:08 by toadking (8586 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 22:25 by Lone_Wolf (239 replies) in Might and Magic I just managed to become arena champion and get my first artifact ghoulsbane on the 4th try .*
The torchlight...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 21:56 by Pol (106 replies) in News Olden Era Showcase in Belgrade at 15th March, Hands-on Sessions, Q&A and Showmatch. Also interview...
Tomorrow (Saturday, March 1st) is Fabrice Cambounet's birthday! Since my week-end updates have been scarce during the past few months, I thought I'd post it ahead of time. Our friendly producer has been rather quiet recently. Let's hope we will see him more often in forums with the upcoming release of Kingdoms.
Might and Magic 6,... Today, 00:08 by toadking (8586 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 22:25 by Lone_Wolf (239 replies) in Might and Magic I just managed to become arena champion and get my first artifact ghoulsbane on the 4th try .*
The torchlight...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 21:56 by Pol (106 replies) in News Olden Era Showcase in Belgrade at 15th March, Hands-on Sessions, Q&A and Showmatch. Also interview...