Might and Magic 6,... 24 minutes ago by toadking (8588 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 22:25 by Lone_Wolf (239 replies) in Might and Magic I just managed to become arena champion and get my first artifact ghoulsbane on the 4th try .*
The torchlight...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 21:56 by Pol (106 replies) in News Olden Era Showcase in Belgrade at 15th March, Hands-on Sessions, Q&A and Showmatch. Also interview...
On eBay is a limited edition Heroes of Might and Magic IV print signed by Jon Van Caneghem. I don't know the seller and I can't be held responsible for his actions (although a 100% feedback 12 star seller has to be trustworthy), but I thought some fans might be interested in such an item. The starting bid is $100 and the seller ships to the United States only.
Might and Magic 6,... 24 minutes ago by toadking (8588 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, everyone,
I applied the latest patch in the game and found that this issue still exists, both base...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 22:25 by Lone_Wolf (239 replies) in Might and Magic I just managed to become arena champion and get my first artifact ghoulsbane on the 4th try .*
The torchlight...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 21:56 by Pol (106 replies) in News Olden Era Showcase in Belgrade at 15th March, Hands-on Sessions, Q&A and Showmatch. Also interview...