The Heroes Community has news of a Fortress to Conflux transformation pack that should be released next month. The line-up of the new town will be the following: Pixie, Dryad, Air Elemental, Storm Elemental, Water Elemental, Ice Elemental, Psychic Elemental, Magic Elemental, Fire Elemental, Energy Elemental, Earth Elemental, Magma Elemental, Firebird and Phoenix (Wolves will take the spot left empty by the Pixies in the Sylvan). It is quite ironic that after so many attempts to bring back the Forge in Heroes of Might and Magic III, the Conflux rears its ugly head once again.
Things don't look so good for the Might and Magic Tribute. A couple of years after Sir Felgar gave up on his own project and disappeared, Ribannah announced she is taking a break and will return in December. Such a hiatus might very well kill any momentum that was left in the project, after a somewhat difficult year. Is the venerable role-playing series as a whole a thing of the past?