How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

Unread postby Wadmooddeer » 11 Jan 2025, 06:11

Since alot of us know how to mod Might and Magic 6, 7 & 8 with tools available from GrayFace, I wonder how possible it would be to make mod that allows more than 5 player party members and more than 2 NPC hirelings in either MM6, MM7, MM8 or even the MMMerge mod.

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Re: How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

Unread postby raekuul » 11 Jan 2025, 14:08

I'm pretty sure that in MM6 and MM7 the party is locked at 4 characters (MM6 especially has no wiggle room on this - we can't use an alternative UI since that depends on hardware mode and MM6 doesn't have hardware mode). I'm less sure about 8 but I'd still put money on a hard cap of 5 playable characters.

Hirelings we might be able to expand on? MM8 didn't have hirelings originally but MMMerge added it back in, plus the games already do allow you more than two questlings - I sat down once and you can have all of Angela Dawson, Prince Nicolai, Melody Stone, Sherell Ivanova, Emmanuel Cravitz, the and Prince of Thieves, (6 questlings in MM6 and I'm sure I missed one) Sir Charles Quixote, Loren Steel, and the seven petrified dwarves (9 questlings in MM7; you can't have the dwarves and your arbiter choice at the same time) all at the same time for a total of 15 questlings in MMMerge, and that's just on base merge where you have to bring Overdune and Dyson into the main party (revamp lets you hire them as hirelings instead).

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Re: How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

Unread postby Wadmooddeer » 15 Jan 2025, 22:17

Well look at Might and Magic I, IV & V (including Swords of Xeen), where you had a maximum of six members. For Might and Magic II & III you have six main members, with two extra hirelings for a total of eight. In the case of Might and Magic IX, you have four starting members, with three extra hirelings for a total of seven.

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Re: How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

Unread postby cthscr » 16 Jan 2025, 09:44

0xB7CA4C is an array of 5 indexes. You have a lot of places in mm8.exe to change.

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Re: How possible would it be got MMMerge mod to have more than 5 members or followers in a player's party?

Unread postby Wadmooddeer » Yesterday, 23:20

cthscr wrote: 16 Jan 2025, 09:44 0xB7CA4C is an array of 5 indexes. You have a lot of places in mm8.exe to change.
well that would be useful for things like the Merged MAW mod (and its Redone counterpart) which adds more powerful variants of the existing enemies to Merge Mod.

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