La Torre de Marfil published a translation of the recent Nival interview at CRPG.RU. In addition to the details about the Tribes of the East expansion that we talked about recently, two questions dealt with the future of the Heroes series:

CRPG.RU: is it possible to speak already about renaissance of the saga Heroes of Might and Magic financially? What does Ubisoft say on it?
Sergey Semashko and Andrey Vostokov: Undoubtedly. Since we have already said, the project not only has been amortized completely, but also it has allowed us to begin the work on the following deliveries.

CRPG.RU: what can you say about the destiny of the saga Heroes of Might and Magic and about Nival Interactive's role on it? Are there desires to continue the work on the Sixth one?
Sergey Semashko and Andrey Vostokov: Now we do not want to look so forward. Undoubtedly, we and the followers of "Heroes" would like that the saga continues developing, that there are new events, prominent figures appear, the universe spreads. But the time will answer us.

The answers are vague, but Heroes VI will most certainly be a Nival game. Speaking of La Torre, you should update your bookmarks as the site has moved to a new spiffy domain. Thanks to Lepastur for his message.

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