After some consultation within Ubisoft, I have been advised that there will be no further patching to either the singleplayer or multiplayer versions of the Dark Messiah Might and Magic™ game. I know that this is unfortunate news, and late in coming to boot, but I thought you would want to know this from me as soon as possible.
As far as I know there are still some bugs in the game but at least the situation isn’t as critical as it was with Might and Magic IX in 2002 when the patching process was stopped shortly after the release and the game had at least two good game-killing bugs. But these news unfortunately isn’t a good sign for the Dark Messiah sales, and how can I not remember the early negative reviews?
However, in the same announcement Acheval posted some positive news as well which certain modders have been waiting for since ages.
However, we’re determined to go out on a pleasant note; the Ubisoft Community Team and the Dev Team have gotten together to offer one last opportunity with this game. We will be holding a closed beta for the full SDK in order to compile feedback and recommendations from the top community modders. This way, Ubisoft will be able to provide a final tool to assist the community in playing with new content and customizing your gaming experience.
Because testing an SDK is substantially different from typical beta testing, we are restricting the SDK beta to be invitation-only. I will keep you advised as we progress with the SDK closed beta, and we hope to offer the final SDK 6-8 weeks from now for public use.
I'm not sure if it's not too late already but better late than never, right? I guess this announcement answers the question whether Dark Messiah will have an expansion or not.