Many of you have probably already noticed appearance of new maps. First Dragon's Legacy is a small multiplayer map with academy against haven. It can also be played single, but the story is quite minimal. As the name hints the key to your opponent is in the hands of dragons…
Second is my own Ruins in the Desert , a large size single player story map with random starting town. I cannot say I am particularly proud of it, but should not be a complete disasterpiece either.
Then we also have Myythryyn's Fury of the Elements. After having completed it myself, I can advertise it as probably the best story map out there for far. Intense action (you play with the sylvans), intense story, original landscape and side quests, what else could one wish?
And finally I would like to draw everyones attention to the map testing section. It is understandable that everyone wants to play only finished maps, but in order to have finished maps beta testers are needed first. Maps in open testing stage are usually very close to the final version, so if the map is good, you are likely to enjoy it anyway, if it is truly bad, tell it and perhaps your word saves other players from seeing that disaster. It is even possible that a good map has a serious bug and cannot be published. Imagine that EvilP, whose map is currently under playtesting, for some strange reason decides to abandon his Double_futa. Will your gaming experience suffer because you did not give it a try when it was available? I think it will. And be so kind to tell the mapmakers what you like and what you do not.