- RPGDot has an interesting interview with Raphael Colantonio and Julien Roby from Arkane Studios: "We just delivered our Alpha build to Ubisoft, meaning we got most of the features in the game right now. The next months are going to be dedicated to tune & tweak all the game features. I would say we're on schedule!"
- Inside Bay Area has a short editorial about the importance of replayability through randomness in gaming: "I hope the developers of this year's strategy games — "Heroes of Might and Magic V," I'm looking at you — realize the importance of the random element. It will make the difference between a several hours of entertainment and a potential classic that never leaves my hard drive." I'd be surprise if our gentle readers would disagree!
- The HOMM V for MacOSX site posted a love letter to the noble King's Bounty: "This essay is a deep, analytical comparison of King’s Bounty, the historical context in which it was crafted, and its influence on the development of the HOMM series. Our historical analysis is so complete that we end up predicting the future!"
- Nival Interactive was featured on BusinessWeek. The report details how the Russian developer was created ten years ago to publish Rage of Majors [sic -- why do these serious publications always mess up the names of the games they refer to?] and how it is slowly becoming an international company under the Ener1 Group.
We hope to get back to the regular schedule and release a new Cranky on Monday. Until then, have a good week-end.