Shame on those of you who skipped the faction information to salivate on the flashy screenshots! A careful look at the Academy storyline revealed a while ago that Orcs will play a critical role in the new Might and Magic universe: "In the Falcon Empire, Crusades are declared against the Orcs – attempts to subjugate them and convert them back to dragon worship. The fighting is brutal, and the Orcs are relentlessly driven back." Strangely, the creature is not part of the Heroes of Might and Magic V lineup and will star in the action spin-off, Dark Messiah. However, since both games take place in the same universe and share associated plots, it would only make sense for the Orcs to appear in a Heroes expansion pack. With the help of Photoshop, Celestial Heavens' Igoraki put an Orc back into the game (click to enlarge):

Obviously, the graphics of the Source and the Heroes V engines are quite different, but it gives us an idea of the possibilities behind the expanding license. According to you, what creatures can we expect to see in an expansion?

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