For those of you who cannot attend the live chat on the Ubisoft site, below is a detailed summary of what has been discussed, built using quotes from Fabrice Cambounet of Ubisoft, ordered by topic. Many thanks to Vision of the Oracle League for her kind assistance. A complete log will be available later today.
  • "Schedule: It will start around the middle of next week, we're still testing the version. The beta test is scheduled to last two months, with an update every two weeks. We will be including gameplay modes with each update. People who got chosen will receive a mail one or two days before the beta starts. However we will include more people with each update, so you could still be selected later if you dont receive a mail at the star.
  • Multiplayer: The beta test will be multiplayer only (multiplayer games can host eight players). There should be a ladder in the final game. But it will probably be not there for the beta test though. The hotseat mode will not be included during the beta test. You will only play through, in order for us to be able to collect statistics.
  • System Requirements: For the beta test version, we're aiming at a P4 2Ghz, with 512mo of ram, and an ATI 9700 or Ge5600 videocard. Remember that these are for the beta test version, not the final game. The first download will be under a CD size, probably around 500-600mo. The updates will be smaller of course.
  • Beta Content: All of the game elements will be in beta version, all of the races at the start of the beta. There are around 40 spells. They should all be included in the beta test. If not in the first download, they will come in the updates. All heroes of the final game will be in the beta, except those linked with the scenario.
  • Communications: You will be able to discuss the beta test in specific ubi forums, and only there. There will be language-specific forums. Any information that is revealed on the official forum is public data, so this can be said, of course. But the rest must be kept confidential."

There were over 227 attendees at some point. Some actually asked what hotseat was... "This is when you're working for too long and your seat starts to heat. Then you have to leave work." We should have more details about the content of the chat later today.

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