For those of you who are getting desperate about the status of Heroes V, especially in light of yesterday's news, here is a summary of the most recent messages from producer Fabrice Cambounet:
  • January 25th: "I said on CH that there will be no info before the official announcement"
  • August 17th: "Dont bother sending mails. The announcement will be done when we'll be ready for it. Then we'll resume discussions."
  • August 2nd: " I`m not on vacation, however I wont have time to answer before the announcement. That`s why Angelspit temporarily closed the questions thread."
  • June 15th: " The announcement date being pushed back is becoming a running joke even here, so I wont detail it anymore. It will come someday, hopefully. Just note that it doesnt affect the game development."
All quotes can be found in the Round Table forums, with the exception of today's quote which appeared on Heroic Corner. Keep the faith!

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