As of today, Songs of Conquest is officially available on the Mac App Store!The Mac app version fully supports crossplay with other platforms, so it’s the..
Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 01:17 by Tomsod (156 replies) in Might and Magic If party is on a map with a TP fountain, will party Master TP bring you to that fountain or to the...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 16:18 by StormyG7 (8552 replies) in Might and Magic Could try swapping their position within Roster.txt. If it's the roster, then you could probably sort...
Heroes 4 The Restoration... 17.01, 21:36 by akumumuki (108 replies) in Heroes I-IV hey, recently i noticed a screenshot of the new units from heroes 4, they really interested me, i didn't...
The 'Might and Magic Tribute' development camp, the team of fans responsible for the freeware tribute to the M&M series, has been a little quiet recently. They've been far from idle though - Arturchix, one of the MMT Designers, has given us an update on the MMT forums and has included some juicy artwork and one of their latest tracks to listen to (MP3 format).
If you've not tried it yet, there's also a technical demo (released last year) in the download section of the MMT Website.
Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 01:17 by Tomsod (156 replies) in Might and Magic If party is on a map with a TP fountain, will party Master TP bring you to that fountain or to the...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 16:18 by StormyG7 (8552 replies) in Might and Magic Could try swapping their position within Roster.txt. If it's the roster, then you could probably sort...
Heroes 4 The Restoration... 17.01, 21:36 by akumumuki (108 replies) in Heroes I-IV hey, recently i noticed a screenshot of the new units from heroes 4, they really interested me, i didn't...