New 'towns' and 'hero types' and asking a little help

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Thief II?

Unread postby Mytical » 25 Aug 2006, 20:03

Sorry never heard of it. And like I said, it was after a marathon of looking at numbers, graphs, ect. Was a little slap happy.

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Lizard towns?

Unread postby Mytical » 29 Aug 2006, 06:06

After noticing people talking about lizard towns I thought I would take a shot at them. Several possibilities emerged but I will put the basic idea of 2 down. If enough show interest I will attempt to make a completed list.

1st there are two racial skills that might work. Racial regeneration (all creatures get a small percent of regeneration as some reptiles show this ability). Not full regeneration, a small % each turn. OR Population...ability to produce population at an increased rate. Basic, Advanced, and Expert would only affect tier 1-4, advance would give Basic Skill bonuses to 5-7.

Now as for creatures. Again 2 posibilities were formost for me.

The first I was really unable to come up with any creature that would fit tier 1. The others I am listing are not in any order and could be put in any tier you fancy.

Aleutoserpens (Flying snakes)
and finally one I have not come up with a name yet...acid spitting 'tank' that lowers armor and who's acid does damage over time.

The second idea was a little 'borrowed' but basically Draconian in nature (Dragon/human hybrids). The idea would be to make these after the various dragons in the story..this one would be a little harder.

Also working on Naga town just for kicks.
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Re: Lizard towns?

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Aug 2006, 06:48

Mytical302 wrote: and finally one I have not come up with a name yet...acid spitting 'tank' that lowers armor and who's acid does damage over time.
And its name is hydralisk :D

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Unread postby Mytical » 29 Aug 2006, 07:06

Ok maybe not then (thanks for pointing that out to me). Will have to rethink that last one.

Probably shield, immune to fire, and fire breath attack. Possibly.
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Unread postby asandir » 29 Aug 2006, 07:15

salamander would be a required unit i would think
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Here goes, Reptile Town then Naga Town

Unread postby Mytical » 29 Aug 2006, 08:02

A few things before I begin. 1st I developed these very quickly, so not even close to being perfect (most of mine never come close hehe). 2nd a lot of you will disagree with this, which is fine :) Please offer alternatives and not just, <---this stinks. Don't mind critism but better if alternatives are suggested. Lastly, both have similar would be an Either OR not both.

1st tier Giant Snake (insert type of favorite here)-the special would be similar to your favorite poison, constriction, ect.

2nd are Snakemen - spear throwers that can launch there missiles then run accross the screen (only 1 shot per combat, no melee penalty).

Basilisk- self explanitory

Medicinemen - healers and also able to 'curse' enemy units.

Naga - self explanitory

Salamander - immune fire, fireshield, firebreath

Aleutoserpens- Flying giant snakes (yeah sounds like a dragon but no breathweapon or magic resistance and has regen!).

Now Naga version

Giant Serpents- 1st tier (same as before)
Harpies- I would like to see them back personally
Naga Priestess-Caster and Shooter, can not curse other units but gets all Ice spells (being water based) no melee penalty.
Snakecharmer-Charm and Drain essence (looks something like large female vampires with serpents scales).
Now the last I thought about calling a Wyrm but would not be a dragon. Would be more like the Purple Worms in D&D. Would be able to swollow 1 enemy whole (killing it immediately) something like harm touch. No flying but can burrow 1 x a combat and emerge for a no retaliation attack.

Also you could yank the Snakecharmer, move Naga and priestess up a tier and insert Medusa's also. Instead of just making enemies stone when in melee they could aslo have a Flesh to Stone unique spell to cast on enemies from a distance. Reasoning : In mythology they didn't have to touch met there eyes you were turned to stone. It would be as if the enemy 'accidently' met the medusa's eyes.
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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Aug 2006, 06:56

Just because I dont think there are enough dragons arround (note sarcasm here) I thought I would give Nival some more dragon ideas.

First the 'evil' dragons.
Skipping red, black, green, and bone (sorry in original form the green dragons were evil and sly and crafty to boot)for they already have them.

White upgraded to Ice dragon (of course) or crystal for a change from evil to good :)
Blue to Topaz (could not think of of anything else to upgrade to)

Now widely know good dragons.
Tin to Silver
Bronze to Gold
Copper to Brass
Yes I know Copper and Brass were supposed to be neutral, but with 5 evil, should be 5 good :)

Now a couple misc. dragons for good measure (wouldn't want them to run out of dragons now would we).
Chromatic Dragon to Tiamat or Takhisis (5 headed dragon, what's not to like? ok well the devouring the world thing.. :hoo: )

Platinum to Paladine or Bahamut (if you don't know who Takhisis, Paladine or Bahamut are are ask and I will explain). Btw if I misspelled Takhisis and Bahamut I appologize.

Rainbow Dragon to Prism dragon (I would like to that Mr. Roy G. Biv for these. Well him, Jack Daniels, and a fever of 101 :devil: ).
Maybe more later, after all, we just dont have any dragons running arround, we need more. B-)
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 Aug 2006, 08:06

Yay!Dragons of speed and magic!Such a marvelous title is sure to sell in billions! :devil:

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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Aug 2006, 08:20

As it is right now they might as well call it Dragons of Might and Magic anyhow :|. I was seriously hoping the expansion would have an original tier 7th not just 'another dragon'.
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Unread postby Mytical » 01 Sep 2006, 05:06

Merchant Town. Racial skill Hiring. Basic -10% to cost of any creature you hire. Advance - 20%, Expert 30%, and Master 40. Alternatively they would have Increased Income - extra money each day/week/whatever that would keep some balance at least. Also though it doesn't show unless they have neutrals or creatures from another town that is not Merchant they have an innate extra penalty to Moral (-1). So mixing 2 types is -2 moral, not -1, ect (price for 'buying' loyalty).

Most of there 'troops' are Mercenary like, or captured and 'trained' at great expense, ect. They have a special building called 'recruitment center' that allows them to purchase a random creature. This building has 2 upgrades that allow them to hire better (higher tier) creatures. 1st 'floor' the creatures are 1-2, 2nd 2-4, and 3rd is 5th. Creature is considered a Merchant town creature and does not affect moral (the creatures are the neautral types like elementals, ect).

Most of there creatures are a little bit weaker then there typical counterparts in other towns. Do to the fact they are hired; however, there tends to be a lot more of them. This allows the town 'natural' creatures to be very diverse. They could be from any mythos, legend, ect. Now I don't have the 'tier' system, as these are widely different creatures, but it could contain everybody's favorites without prejudice since they could have gone mercenary since they no longer have a 'home' town.

So you could have...

or you could go with the 'normal' types. The one problem with that is they would mostly be human :(.

Pirate - Swashbuckler
Duregar (may have misspelled)

So it could really be diverse and take in just about any 'stray' creature. Money may not be there only motivation either, revenge on the 'towns' that gave em the boot, ect. Anyhow another rambling incohearent thought. Blast away at all the things that are wrong with this town :).
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Sep 2006, 11:49

10% off when hiring creatures is enormous.1%,3%,5% would be much better.Also,it could have bonus to marketplce.Maybe each marketplace could be considered as two,when youre trading resources.Or maybe just a bonus when trading gold.

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Unread postby Mytical » 02 Sep 2006, 07:40

Over the next few hours I will be posting a new town. Just to let you know these creatures are way overpowered...but I just wanted to have a little fun :). This post here will be edited until it is complete. I would post it at one time but at work and have to you know, actually work some. With some MAJOR tweaking they would be an enjoyable race to play, and a diverse one at that. I have changed the names, ect but they were influenced by The chronicles of Tomas Convent the Unbeliever. A series I enjoyed even more then the Hobit and it's predeccessors (I know horrible speller)

Ok first thing first..The town is called a Ward. The town hero is called a lord. They have special skills and spells called Justice. Justice Skills and Justice Spells.

New skills- In logistics (gotten by pathfinding)..Justice of the Land. All enemy units take 1 pt of damage per level of hero for each square they traverse on the battlefield.

Justice Magic - gains access to justice magic. Ward of Stone - All Justice of Stone spells cost 10% less to cast. Ward of Sky - all Justice of Sky spells cost 10% less to cast. Ward of Sea - all Justice of Sea Spells cost 10% less to cast. True Staff - All Justice Magics are mass effects.

Light Magic - (gained by master of blessing) - Justice of Life- Random friendly unit becomes marked at beginning of battle. If you win battle 20% of this unit is resurrected at end of battle.

Dark Magic - Corrupted Justice - Any spell that buffs creatures your enemy casts also effects a random unit of yours (ie bless, endurence, ect). However that unit looses hp equal to 5x spell cost.

Destruction Magic - Justice of fire (learned via Master of Fire) - All friendly units gain fireshield and fire based spells do only 25% of normal damage to them.

Racial Skill Law of Combat - Bonus damage for all Range and Melee attacks

Ultimate skill - Ultimate Justice - All justice spells take 50% less to cast and gain access to 6th level Justice Spells. Requires Justice Magic, Logistics, Light Magic, and expert Law of Combat

Now these are generally in order from weakest to strongest, but not set in stone what tier they should be. Again they are really powerful, so much would have to be tweaked to make them playable.

Stonesingers/Masons- Dwarf-like creatures who have profected the art of stonecraft. Repair 1 hp for every 4 singers or 2 masons to town wall/turrent/gate. Also if adjacent to a wall they take a further 50 % less damage then just having the wall between them and opponit would give them. Masons can also 'heal' earth elementals and enirely block 1 ranged attack per combat (by bringing up an 'earthshield') for self only

Forestspeakers/Earthbonded - Elf-like creatures who have perfected the art of archery (though they suffer no melee penalty either). Speakers and Bonded can cast summon earth elemental and earthquake. Bonded add entangle for 2 turns to either melee or ranged attacks (automatic unless immune to earth and they can move without breaking the spell). Bonded can fire 'point blank' which does 3x damage but 'breaks' there bow until next combat so they can no longer do ranged attacks.

Cori/Unisys (unisys is pegasus and unicorn all rolled into one! and this unit is the start of the REALLY powerful ones. Not that the other two were weak :)). - Trample (any enemy unit behind first, and anybehind them, and ect take FULL damage). Also the cori if they can go 2 squares they can 'fly' the squares must be in a straight row, and there flightpath would be straight on from that (no turning corners because they are running to fast). The Unisys can fly constantly, are immune to unfriendly magic, fearless, as well as having trample. The cori appear like normal horses but are super intelligent. The unisys is white in color and has a ivory horn and white feathery wings.

Redguard/Dervish - Bound by an oath more powerful the Time. These humans give up there former life for a new one. They don't need to eat, sleep, or rest. They feel no pain, and have little emotion. They are not undead however, but are infused with magic to make them tireless protectors of the Lords. Always immune to dark magic (including fear) and having unlimited retal..they really shine when a friendly unit (or two) is adjacent to them. For each friendly unit adjacent to them they gain 5% (10% for Dervish) damage to their attacks and get 2 attacks as long as 1 unit adjacent but never increasing regardless of how many friendlies there are. Dervish can also intercept-force a adjacent enemy to attack them instead of an adjacent ally. They get no retaliation if they do this however.

Council - Justicebringer - The lords answer to only 1 authority...the Council. And the High Lord is the only lord that can overrule them. The Justicebringers are the elite of the Council, selected for there affinaty for Justice Magic. The council are the only creatures that can enhance the effects of Justice Magic, they are like conduits and amplify the effects. Whenever Justice Magic is used they can heal another unit by (1xno of units)x sp (the hero that controlls the army the council/justicebringers are in get to choose which unit to heal). They also have the perminate Justice Magic....Just of the Rightous. This spell reflects 10% of damage done to the unit that attacked them (not magic). Justicebringers make any Justice Magic mass effect (effect all friendly or enemy units on field but they can still only heal one target).

Seagiant - Giantlord - Imm to fire, earth, and ice spells. These extraordinary creatures have a sad life. The search endlessly for there home, as they were bereft of it by magic which transported them and made them forget where there home was. Oddly they grant extra movement on sea to any hero who has them in their army. About 1% per 20 (or 10 for the giantlords). They can hurl rocks to damage creatures/towns/ect and the Giantlords have a special battlechant that increases all allied units Morale by 1 (1x per combat but effect last entire combat). It also decreases enemy units by the same ammount (can be cleansed, if unaffected by mind effects they are immune). If they reach 20% of there starting number they enter into a battlefrenzy and do double damage, unfortunately they are unable to control who they attack at this time and will attack nearest unit. This frenzy lasts 2 'turns'.

Neocrim - Ur-Neocrim - The 'source' of justice magic dirrectly created these creatures to protect the 6 wards that protect the Justice Magic. Beings made entirely of 'Living wood' they look normal, but are far from normal. The crim do not attack as normal, they have 6 special affects and each can only be activated 2x per combat. However, they regenrate, can retaliate unlimited times, and harmful OR helpful magic has no effect on them. The special abilities are. Law of Protection - instantly teleport beside a target friendly creature and strike any/all enemies in adjacent squares. Law of destruction - Launce 2 'no-retaliation' strikes against an adjacent enemy. Law of Life - cast ressurect on any adjacent ally unit. The Ur - Neocrim also get Law of transformation - Transform self for 1 turn into any allied unit with all the abilities, numbers, ect. They may attack, cast, ect freely but after 1 action even if it is wait they transform back.

So, besides the fact they are WAY overpowered what do you think of the units? Some flyers, some ranged, not many that are very similar.

Now the Justice Magic. Justice Magic is unique because it creates a staff that must be carried in inventory (does not have to be equiped) before it will work. A level 6 staff can invoke any lower level effect and a level 5 can invoke level 5-1 (ect). Each staff can be activated 1 time each level for free IF certain condition are met, otherwise it takes both mana and 'essence' from a hero this drain of essence slows down ib bar by .05 for each level of spell invoked (for 1 turn only then back to normal). There is only 1 effect each level.

COFC = Condition of Free Casting

Level 1 - Law of haste. Add 1 to init for all units. COFC = Enemy army must have more units then you. Invokes before battle actually begins once all units are on field. Mana 5 (note : Units not stacks so if you have 1000 units in 3 stacks and enemy has 999 units in 7 you do not get the free cast).

Level 2 - Law of the earth - Enemy units loose 1 speed as the ground under there feet turns muddy and hard to traverse (does not effect flying units). COFC - Hero must have 0 mana. Mana 10

Level 3 - Law of the Dervish - Summons Number of sp in Dervishes (so a hero with a spellpower of 10 would summon 10 Dervish). COFC - All Redguard/Dervish on field must have been destroyed. Mana 15

Law 4 - Law of Fellowship - Each friendly unit gets +1 att, +1 def, +1 hp for each other friendly unit on the field. COFC-Enemy must have more stacks on field then you. Mana 20

Law 5 - Law of Life - All friendly units get ressurected at 1/no of friendly stacks on field (living or dead). COFC entire army gets wiped out. Mana 30.

Law 6 - Kevins Law - when your last unit is destroyed an armeggedon effect hits the field. No COFC. Must have 40 mana left in mana pool.

Each hero can only carry 1 staff until level 20 at which time they can carry 2.
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Neutral Units

Unread postby Mytical » 03 Sep 2006, 05:42

Over the next couple of days (as I develop them) I am going to be including some neutral units that I would like to see. Feel free to suggest your own neutral units even if they might fit in with a current town. This is besides the Naga and Medusa :).

Mermaids - we had them once, don't see why they are not running arround.

Sirens - Special ability would be chance to kill 30% of any creatures it attacks? :rofl:

Some of the odd were creatures : Werebear, Wererat especially.

Beholders - just a scary thought. Would have perm magic mirror, be able to cast paralyze, flesh to stone, disentigrate (chance to kill x number of units and make them unable to be ressed or raised). These are tier 7 killers :) also would have 'spray' attack and be able to hit multiple targets with attack with no retal. Note : no buildings will offer them for sale, they will never flee or offer to join an army either. These creatures will usually guard some relic artifact.

Banshee - Undead Female Elf that has a mass fear spell and is incorpral. More later.
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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Sep 2006, 08:42

This has been moved here viewtopic.php?t=3977
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Unread postby Idleness2 » 30 Sep 2006, 09:10

(felines tend to let the females do the hunting, and so the females tend to be a bit stronger then the male).

Just wanted to mention, that with lions in real life, even tho females do most of the hunting, the males are the ones given the role of protecting the pride and killing eachother for mating privalages. So male cats actually are quite a bit stronger than female, in real life. Not using this ability for hunting could be considered a waste, but creatures the lions hunt dont often put up much resitance, anyway.
U are gonna have to go all the way down the evolutionary ladder to insects before u find examples of females being stronger than males.

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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Sep 2006, 09:16

Hmm interesting view you have there. My guess you are male :). I disagree. Women endure childbirth, I want a single man to go through the would be funny to watch. Anyhow, the females of a species most of the time seems weaker, and maybe they are. Until one of two things transpire..there young is threatened..or they are cornered. Then suddenly going up against the males looks awful tempting. As for lions, yes they fight for territory, but you are saying this is equivilant of hours of hunting prey? Come on..seriously. The lion has the physical strength, but not the overall strength of the two (there is a difference). Females and males don't fight, but I suspect that with there honed hunting skills the males would be in for a shock if they went up against a female.

I am in no way implying that females are better then males, but males are not better then females either. It is a fact what I stated however, the hunting IS done by the females with the lions.
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Unread postby Idleness2 » 30 Sep 2006, 09:27

Female and male lions have been known to fight, occasionally, and actually its very common with tigers, where males have an annoyingly common habit of eating their young, which the females try to protect, but almost always unsucessfully; this is yet another reason why tigers are so endangered.
Theres plenty of physical trauma that is equivalent, or worse, than childbirth, and most likely every human will experience sometime, right before they die.
It is, in fact, the childbirth thing that makes females tend to be weaker than males, as its rather impossible for an animal to be both able to go thru this chilbirth process and be fit for other forms of physical challenges. Its just an unfortunate fact u gotta live with, women are weaker than men, but i dunno why its a big deal, doesnt make them inferior, do u think it does?

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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Sep 2006, 09:32

Forget it, this thread has been moved because it belonged in Campfire. Please don't close it as I may update it with specific things from H5 however. Thanks :).
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Unread postby Idleness2 » 30 Sep 2006, 09:50

gosh, u are really sensitive to sorry i didnt mean to offend you or anything, i just felt like something u were saying was implying something which is actually false, as regards to cats. Its just a weird part of my personality, i cant stand false things if i know it to be otherwise. I really shouldve let it go.

In questions of inferiority i dont even know what it means, cause it implies that something is being used for its easy to say that a car is superior to a bicycle when you are trying to get quickly from one city to another, but what are humans being 'used' for? We just kinda exist, we shouldnt be considered a tool.

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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Sep 2006, 09:56

Forget it Idle, just wrong time of year for me. Has nothing to do with you or even your statements. I know females hunt in lions, I know that is why I made the hunters female, that is enough to do so. Still I do want to appologize, never ment anything by this. Lets just drop it and move on.
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