New 'towns' and 'hero types' and asking a little help

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New 'towns' and 'hero types' and asking a little help

Unread postby Mytical » 08 Aug 2006, 08:37

Been 'designing' a few different types of towns and hero types. Plan on posting them here soon..need some help however. Have worked on three so far..the Neutral and Really Evil (makes necromancers seem nice) were not so hard, but the Really good is proving hard. So far I have Dark fist/White hand for the tier ones..Dark Fist do a little more damage, and have a 1 more hp, but the white is the upgrade and gets a damage bonus when retaliating. Warders/defenders for tier 2. Both able to soak a little damage from surrounding allied forces (defenders more so)..Monks and Battlemonks for 3rd (unlimited retaliation, dmg reduction from ranged)..and I wanted a feline type, but not sure how to work it in. The idea is mostly defensive, one flyer type and 1 ranged. However some have abilities to return any type damage done even if not normally able. Non-ranged return some ranged damage, ect. Any suggestions? Please no dwarves or such, these are supposed to be 'true good' and stronghold/dwarf types really dont fit.

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 08 Aug 2006, 08:47

I don't have any suggestions, but I do have a question. How did you handle the town screens?
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Unread postby Mytical » 08 Aug 2006, 09:09

Purely concept at this point sadly :(. No clue how to go about redesigning anything...just for a pass time.

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Little previews

Unread postby Mytical » 08 Aug 2006, 13:44

Just thought I would give some previews of a Storyline I came up with and the general idea behind the Neutral town and the 'Evil' Town. Still a LOT of work to do on the scenarios, and tweeking the creatures to not be too overpowerful. Have new skills, new spells, even some artifacts, just wish I had the skill to make all of them a reality. Anyhow, the preview.

Story (shortened edited version to not give too much away). The story follows decendents from HoMMV Griffens after being ousted from there home, now called New Haven. The first chapters will focus on Matthew and Alexis, and why the family was ousted. Both are Griffen heirs. One thing I will give away is the 'evil' creatures are twisted/shadow versions of the Haven types (when I put down the whole thing you will understand why). During there investigation they meet a Shawman, one of the 'heroes' from the Neutral side.

The neutral group are Warewolves that call themselvs Wolvagen after there leader who found away not to go animalistic (another part of the story) when a full moon rises, there 'creatures' tend to be wolves, part wolves, or some similar thing. They are limited in flying and archery, but they have some things that more then compensate. There heroes value Attack and Knowledge (battle skill and wisdom) more then most traits. Some wolvagen are ex-haven, ex-dungeon, ect. Maybe one is a traitor....

You also would be able to play on the dark-side on this one later. Things are not always as they seem however, and there are a couple layers to peel back.

Lastly a faction that has remained hidden can no longer sit idly by while such destruction, chaos, and death run rampant. Regardless of if you consider yourself good, or are considered evil, they blame both sides for all the sensless deaths. They value defense and Knowledge more then anything, and while attack is not there strong suit, they have some amazing defensive capability.

New spell groups. Death, available ONLY to the new 'evil' faction, and Life, available only to the 'good'. However both are a skill in Light or dark magics (depending of course). Well back to work on this.

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Re: Sorry

Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 08 Aug 2006, 13:49

Mytical302 wrote:Purely concept at this point sadly :(. No clue how to go about redesigning anything...just for a pass time.
Oh... Well, then join the club! ;)
I hope the map editor will help us with this issue... but I fear it's unlikely...
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Re: New 'towns' and 'hero types' and asking a little help

Unread postby Taldaas » 08 Aug 2006, 15:37

Mytical302 wrote:snip...

and I wanted a feline type, but not sure how to work it in.

Well I have 2 recommendations. If you want to use real history you could try a Lammasu:

Or if your a D&D fan like I am I would use a Wemic:

While some people consider Wemics to be feral, I like the 2nd idea of their long standing oral traditions and nomadic lifestyle. In heroes terms this would be somewhat similar to nagas.

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Unread postby Mytical » 08 Aug 2006, 16:46

Thanks Taldaas, the Lammasu sounded more like what I am aiming for, and since they attacked mostly non-good, it seems to fit in nicely! Probably going to opt to make it a 4th or 5th tier creature, since it sounds like a powerful creature. The wemic sounded similar, but since the Lammasu was deffinately more good aligned it will be the goto choice. Now the upgrade could go a couple ways. Gold (golden wings), Elder (white feline hair), or possibly a Lammasu Huntress (felines tend to let the females do the hunting, and so the females tend to be a bit stronger then the male).

I thought of using silver/gold dragons for 7th tier, but think the dragons may be a bit overused. Also thought of using a chinese counterpart. The heroes are going to be the shoalin (attrocious spelling I know) type. Seeking peace and trying to help others, but not above fighting for what they believe in.

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Unread postby Mytical » 09 Aug 2006, 09:25

Well thanks to some assistance I have my towns/creatures. Will be posting them here soon (no stats thou I have them) I would really enjoy some feedback about them.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 09 Aug 2006, 11:15

Wow! This sounds great! One of my favorite creatures will be in too :-D But to be a little picky, its not warewolves but werewolves ;)

Anyway, will werewolves be a part in the new neutral town, and what about their heroes special ability? Cant wait to know more, and I really hope the map editor will help you when it arrives.

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Wolvagen Neutral town

Unread postby Mytical » 09 Aug 2006, 22:00

Ok since i may have overpowered them to compensate for lack of range (and only a single flying type), I am not including the stats yet. Will try to tweak them to be a bit even later. And you are correct it is werewolves not warewolves..thank you :0.

Heroes-Werewolfs. Primary Stat Knowledge, Secondary Stat Attack. Can be of any former allience or 'race', but must have Lycanthropy. Only have a few heroes currently but here they are (again no starting stats as I need to tweak that).

Duke Ferdinand Wolv-Even he does not know why when he was infected he retained most of his human knowledge/intelligence during a full moon. It is rumored that it may have been because he was wearing a magical helmet at the time that increased knowledge. Now he can 'infect' other werewolves so they can retain there normal knowledge/int/ect.
Special-Whenever a whole stack under his control is destroyed he gets to launch an attack vs the unit that destroyed the stack automatically. (this one needs work, but as I said somethings are still in development stage)

Starrider-Formally an elven druid He now helps Ferdinand to help other werewolves. He still retains some of his druid powers, but has gained a few new talents. Special-Oracle Vision. Sees farther and farther as he increases in level. +1 to his range of view at lvls 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 (again a little weak).

So far those 2 are the main heroes of the town -Called Dens cause wolves live in dens-

Creatures - Snipes/Snips- Small ferret like creatures that are used for scouting. Can not be seen by enemy heroes (much like scouts but a little better do to small size).

Wolves, Combat Wolves. The nice 2 attack is back, but since they are tier two they are somewhat weaker now.

Werewolves/Werewolvs- The rank and file werewolves that just have not yet been able to attain 'hero' status. (Werewolves have claw attacks that cause wounds not to close, so the target of there attack 'bleed' for 1 extra turn for 1/4 original damage). (Werewolvs have add no enemy retaliation for the fiercnes of there attack). Both are so nimble that ranged units have hard time targeting them (Wolves take 10% less damage from range, and Wolvs 25%).

Pathfinders/Waymakers. These beings serve a special function in the Wolvagen army. Not only do they cross battlefields with amazing speed, but they actually aid in non-combat also. The Pathfinders add 10% distance to what a hero can travel. Waymakers add 25%.

Duskflyers/Nightflyers - Some wolvagen elect to be 'experimented' on in hopes that a cure can be found for Lycanthropy. During one of these experiments the Duskflyers/Nightflyers were formed. No longer able to assume human form they have bat-like wings on there back. The Duskflyers are greyish in color. They have flight, regen, and a 'swoop' attack that can cause fear (unlike griffens they don't leave the battle to do this) sadly they take some damage for this attack (roughly 10%) so don't use it often. Nightflyers have jet black fur, and red firey eyes. They have a constant chance to cause fear, and there swoop attack does an addition 25% damage.

Spiritcallers/Soulguiders. Being shamanistic in nature, the Wolvagen have developed into powerful 'magic-using' beings. There power comes from the spirits. The spiritcallers are initiates and thus still learning. They can cast the spells-raise dead, and cleanse, as well as Eldritch Bolt and Summon Elemental. They have 30 mana. The soulguiders are much more adept and can cast Ressurection they have 40 mana. Unlike most spell casters however, they are hardy creatures and gain Unlimited retaliation.

Now the last I wanted call Juggernaughts or something similar Instead they are the Forlorn/Dark Forlorn. These behemoths are wolvagen who have (during the same experiments that created the flyers) sadly lost most of there 'humanity'. Now unable to transform into human, these giant creatures wear huge chains on there hands and feet. They are slow, but enormously strong and tough. There toughened hides reduce most damage by 10%(25% for Dark), and they do an area effect attack (2x2) do to there massive hands.

New skills. There ultimate skill is "Unleashed Beast" which adds 6 to attack and all units gain +1 to damage. (Note all the skills needed to get this include the new 'skills' in the areas noted). Attack, Destruction Magic, War_Machines, Leadership.

Special Racial 'Call of the wild' Increases chance that neutral stacks will join. Basic-+10%, Advance +20%, Expert +25%, Master- reduce cost for all.

For other skills only putting 'special' here. You know the general ones.

In leadership there is Pack - Lowest possible morale is 0, can not go to negative Morale.

In Luck they use Spoils and Dead Man's Luck.

In Defense they use Resistance and Stand your ground.

In attack they use Claw- Incrase damage 10%, and Bite - add stun to attack (slows IB by 30% until next attack).

Sorcery -Arcane Brill

Summon - Wild summon - Causes enemy summons to loose 20% strength and elementals summoned are opposite of what they should be. (this because I could not think of anything else).

Destruction- Shaman's Gift- Add Lightning to attack. If lightning spells stun, attack has a 10% chance of doing same.

Dark Magic-Seal of Darkness.

Light- refined Mana.

War_Machine- Sprit Enhancement...all War_machines take 25% less damage and do 25% more damage (or heal 25% more for tents).

Enlightenment- Arcane Exalt-and Wizards Renewal

Logistics-Loping (again bad speller here)..adds 10% additional percent to speed over land.

Again some of these are just trial and are subject to change...
now the 3 special are difficult, have not gotten them yet, (blank wall here).

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Unread postby Mytical » 10 Aug 2006, 08:08

The town is very straightfoward in design. 1st tier is the Village Hall, blacksmith, tavern, marketplace, and Snipe/snip burrows (used snipes, ect because helped my father take my brother Snipe hunting and since they dont exist it was fun).

2nd tier Town Hall, Totem (gives all heroes +1 morale/+1 luck), Caves, Magic Guild.

3rd tier is Oracle (under mage guild) which adds +4 knowledge to visiting heroes until end of the week. Not sure what to call it but under caves there is a area that add wolves per week (the only creature increasing building). And Silver Gold Caves

4th is City Hall, Observatory/Tower (pathfinder, ect). (need help with actual names for were wolf and pathfinder buildings). Cavern/Dome Cavern-Here the Flyers practice there flying and combat skills.

the remaining buildings are of course Capital. The spirit/ect call the Chambers/Grand Chambers there home. And in the Forlorn Halls the Mighty Forlorn wait to unleash there rage on the poor souls who get in there wake.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 10 Aug 2006, 11:18

Looks very interesting all of this, I would be very impressed if you could pull this off, because this seems to be a tremendous task 8|

But another question
Werewolves/Werewolvs- The rank and file werewolves that just have not yet been able to attain 'hero' status. (Werewolves have claw attacks that cause wounds not to close, so the target of there attack 'bleed' for 1 extra turn for 1/4 original damage). (Werewolvs have add no enemy retaliation for the fiercnes of there attack). Both are so nimble that ranged units have hard time targeting them (Wolves take 10% less damage from range, and Wolvs 25%).
Ehm, whats the difference between wolves and wolvs? Arent they just different kind of plural form? Its no offense, harsh critic or anything, but maybe you could exchange werewolvs with wolflord,wolfmaster or smthi'n. Just if wolvs and wolves means the same. Wolfs, Im not sure here but isnt that a mispelled plural form of wolves as for wolvs? Its a bit confusing this ;|

But enough of my rambling. I think everything else with your proposal are great ;) Especially the other creatures in the town, smart move there :) And the builings and their specials are neat too.

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Unread postby ShadeOfSandro » 10 Aug 2006, 12:43

I have the same problem with Snipes/snips, the names just seem too similar.

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thanks for the feedback

Unread postby Mytical » 10 Aug 2006, 18:12

Orfinn wrote:
Ehm, whats the difference between wolves and wolvs? Arent they just different kind of plural form? Its no offense, harsh critic or anything, but maybe you could exchange werewolvs with wolflord,wolfmaster or smthi'n. Just if wolvs and wolves means the same. Wolfs, Im not sure here but isnt that a mispelled plural form of wolves as for wolvs? Its a bit confusing this ;|
Well the thought was the 'race' is called the wolvagen. So the upgrade was in homage to the race name. However, I am never afraid of well thought out critisism (spelling?). Could go with Shapeshifters/Werewolves or something similar also.
The difference is basically experience, how long they have had there abilities.
ShadeOfSandro wrote:I have the same problem with Snipes/snips, the names just seem too similar.

Honestly the Snipe/snips need a lot more work then just the name. After considering there was no real difference and might need some help with this tier.

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Unread postby Mytical » 10 Aug 2006, 18:41

This takes place sometime in the future of the current storyline. Could be 1,2, or 3 generations, that really is up for debate. Now the storyline(please remember I am giving the short version and leaving a few things out for now)

A total eclipse happens and to everybody's suprise, the infernal armies do not launch any attacks. People start to relax. Time passes...and creatures like Angles, Dragons (all the 7th tier from every race), and such mysteriously start to dissapear. The clergy in haven start to investigate why. Time passes. The clergy starts getting desperate, they start to mysteriously blame everybody for the dissapearence of the Angels.

Meanwhile for some unknown reason the populace appears to be upset at the Griffen line. Some even out and out attack any Griffen who goes out unescorted. Eventually it is a total revolt. The Griffen family has two choices, flee or crush the rebellion. Since they are a noble family they do not wish innocents to be harmed and they depart as quietly as possible until things calm down. Time passes.

10 years pass. The griffen line lives in the middle of a vast desert and they have become very strong surviving the harsh atmosphere. While out on patrol Matt is taking a small break near an Oasis. He recieves a special visitor who sends him to learn more about why the Griffens were ousted from there rightful home. It is hard to travel the desert with any real number of troops, and troops are needed, but there is a artifact that can help.

The scenarios follow Matt (mostly) and Alex as they try to follow the spirits guidence. As a small spoiler they even visit the Hall of Heroes and speak with the spirits of the heroes within! Also one of the maps sport a interesting feature. An either or path. You have to decide on a path (which a sign just says <---yellow, red ---->). Access is by one way monolith so there is no turning back once you choose.

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Unread postby ShadeOfSandro » 10 Aug 2006, 19:28

For the wolves/wolvs tier, you could really mix in any type of Lycan, such as weretiger, werebear, wererat, etc. What combination you choose is totally up to you.

Snipes/snips, wererat could be used as the upgrade here also, or you could go to a shade. The were creature would make it a better attacking unit, while the shade would be a better scout.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 11 Aug 2006, 10:29

from werewolves to werebear or wererat to werewolf on that tier justt dosent make sens, it sounds a bit lame that a wererat turn into a werewolf :| But of course it does makes sense if : "Hey ratties, we have your tier now, you are useless, bugg off!"

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Unread postby Mytical » 11 Aug 2006, 13:30

Heroes - Monks Main Attribute Def, Secondary Knowledge.

1st tier-Dark Fist/ White Hand- Farmers that have learned one of two paths. Offensive or defensive. The Dark Fist have more attack and H.P., the White hand get a bonus to damage when retaliating.

Warder/Defender - Ex soldiers who have taken an oath to protect the people and creatures that the Monks enlist. Warders are not as well trained, and wear no armor and use no weapons (besides there fists). Defenders are much better trained and have an armor that is made of a light but durable magical metal. Each are able to take damage ment for other friendly units (15% for warders and 25% for Defenders) the Defenders are just a little stronger and able to withstand more.

Monks/Battlemonks - The initiates of the order are loath to take life, but will when it is neccessary. Though both of them practice the art of defense the Battlemonks take an oath to do what is needed to protect there ways. The monks wear a plain brown robe, but the Battlemonks wear armor. While there damage is low they have unlimited retaliation and do bonus damage on retaliations. The Battlemonks strike so swiftly that they have No Enemy Retaliation. Both are able to 'catch' some ranged attacks so the take less damage (roughly 25% and 50%).

Lammasu/Elder Lammasu-There exists a seperate plane where beings of good exist. The monks have found a way to open a gate between the worlds and enlist the aids of these beings. The Lammasu are Feline like creatures who's lower body is that of a lion, the upper body is humanoid with feline hair and features. The posses large feathery wings that allow them to fly. Both can use magic, and have a special 'pounce' attack. When invoked this allows them to move, and then 'pounce' an extra 2 squares and land an attack (with no enemy retaliation possible since this is always unexpected and happens very quickly). The Lammasu can cast any Light based spell and have 25 mana. The elder Lammasu gain regen, constant No Enemy Retaliation (not just on pounce), and can cast all 'Life' spells in addition to the Light based spells. They have 40 mana. They do loose a bit of speed and hp however.

(redoing 5th tier so here is 6th tier)
Cloud Giants/Storm Giants - Kin to the titans these peaceful creatures make there homes in giant castles that float on clouds. The Cloud giants are able to cast Ice Bolt and Circle of frost as well as attack by hurling large chunks of rock at there enemy. They serve the Storm Giants (willingly) who are a little more powerful and wise. The Storm Giants can cast (in additon to above) Chain Lightning and Thunder (area effect stun). They like titans can harness electricity to strike at their foes, but are not quite as powerful as there Kin.

Silver/Gold Dragons (I know I know, dragons are done to death but they do fit into the 'good' catagory). Much like other dragons though they can cast spells. The Silver can cast Ressurect on any creature other then itself. The Gold can do the same, but also on itself. The Gold can also automatically ressurect a few of themselves if totally destroyed in battle. Besides there own spells they are immune to spells either harmful or helpful.

Now the thing about this town is, it has no buildings that increase creature generation besides the Fort line. Also, there creature low level creature tiers dont offer as many per weak as most towns. Though they are generally stronger then the other creatures in there 'tier' this can be a hard thing to overcome. Luckily the Heroes of the town get access to Life Magic to help compensate for this. Life and Death magic will be posted soon.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 12 Aug 2006, 05:36

For 'really good', why not create a faction that is not steeped in religion? True heroes, healers, educators, inventors, noble steeds, loyal hounds, and great eagles. A faction that does not rely on the supernatural, and yet at the same time has not sunk into barbarism.
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Caradoc :)

Unread postby Mytical » 12 Aug 2006, 07:31

You pose an interesting question. Feel free to that if you wish. I chose the Monks for a couple reasons. 1 they have a history in HoMM (though of course there are differnces). 2 how many peaceful groups are there (and they do historically have a message of peace) out there? Truely peaceful, not just giving lipservice. There are a few, yes, but again this one has a HoMM base. Granted there may be better choices out there. I never believe my way is the only way, nor neccessarily the best. It is what works for me :). Thanks for the feedback; however. Don't think I think they are perfect or anything. And I may just take your suggestion, perhaps as an alternative choice :).

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