New 'towns' and 'hero types' and asking a little help

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Life Magic

Unread postby Mytical » 12 Aug 2006, 22:09

Note: To get to life magic it is required to have Light Magic (it is a skill in theLight Magic for the new town). Since (besides rare occurences) it takes Master Light to access the skill, the life spells are all cast at Master level automatically. For the rare occasions that it isn't, devide all by 1/3 and multiply by skill in Light Magic for effect.

Level 1= Aid - 75% chance of removal of all negative spells on a stack and add +1 hp(this is at any skill level) + (1x 1.5 spellpower (sp)) this does not 'fade' but only effects the top unit and once taken away by damage is gone. 6 mana

Holy Bolt - Does 2xspxskill in damage to any infernal, shadow, or undead creature. Does not effect any other type of creature. 3 sp

Level 2= Restore - Adds 3xspxskill in health to target stack, can not ressurrect any fallen creatures. Also can not take target to above max hp. 7 mana

Peace - Target creature stack is unable to attack but may do any other action. Does not effect creatures immune to mind spells. 6 mana

Level 3 = Refresh - allows a target unit to act immediately following the caster. Does not effect creatures immune to Mind Spells. 6 Mana

Grace - Increases target Defense and Attack by 3 for number of turns = spx.5 7 mana

Level 4 = Uplift - grants selected unit flight for sp x 1/6 turns. 8 Mana

Holy Barrier - acts as a fire shield vs undead, infernal, or shadow creatures. Damage is 1 x sp for 1 x sp in turns. 8 Mana

Level 5 = Divine Heal - Combines Aid and restore, but can ressurect creatures. 15 mana
Last edited by Mytical on 15 Aug 2006, 09:55, edited 2 times in total.

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None really

Unread postby Mytical » 14 Aug 2006, 21:15

Going to do some corrections on what I have already posted. May be my last post for awhile. Work, ect really been cutting into the time I have for posting atm. Will see about picking back up when thing slow down. The corrections are as follows.

Tier 1 in Wolvagen - Spy/Mimic. Trained to blend into any environment they are not fit for combat usually. The Spy can go undetected on the 'map' unless a heroes abilities counters it 1x per combat they can 'blend in' to the background and until they move they can not be targeted. The Mimic has taken this one step farther. They have the singular ability to pose as any unit on the field, at least in appearance. At the start of combat they take on a random units appearence and to an enemy even show the stats, ect of that unit. However it is all a guise, and as soon as hit they reveal there true nature. They can still blend in 1 x a combat. The unit they mimic will be a higher tier from either side, but only units in the battlefield are options for them.

Tier 5 in the towns controlled by monks are Healers/Battle Healers. They are trained to be able to heal in very adverse conditions. Though having good stats their primary role is to heal. Healers have just started there training and must remain stationary when healing. They can, however, project a aura that deflects range attacks (deflect missile) from them and any units adjacent to them. They can heal 4 times in battle (the ammount of the healing depends on no of units of course), and have the possibility to ressurect. The Battlehealer has more ability to fight, and can move before healing (but not after). They also regen, and can project an aura of regeneration (as well as deflect missile) to those arround them. They can heal 5 times in combat.

Well that is it for now.

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Re: Life Magic

Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Aug 2006, 21:53

Mytical302 wrote: Divine Protection - Next damage done in any ammount is negated for target creature. 30 Mana.
Too strong.For any amount of mana.Maybe if it bumped the stack back one the ATB bar.But just maybe.

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Divine Protection

Unread postby Mytical » 15 Aug 2006, 06:13

Could also absorb half damage or work only on lower level creatures.

A more balancing one would be absorb all next damage, but target can-not attack while affected (but can defend). Something to consider though. 1 hp of damage can negate the effect, so that would be 30 mana to stop 1 hp.

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Re: Divine Protection

Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 15 Aug 2006, 08:47

Mytical302 wrote:Could also absorb half damage or work only on lower level creatures.
We already have that spell. It's called Arcane Shield.
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To allieviate confusion

Unread postby Mytical » 15 Aug 2006, 09:50

I will delete the Divine Protection in the post mention it so as to allieviate any confusion. Both were right, overpowered or too like arcane shield.

Anyhow chances are this thread will end. A lot of other threads have mentions of new towns and such, and mine are not quite as well developed. Thanks for the feedback and responses. May all your paths lead to Dragon Utopias.

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Unread postby MrSteamTank » 15 Aug 2006, 12:28

Here would be my good race. Based on a mix of muslim/egyptian mythology. A different look on this type of culture in a game.

Tier 1 - Giant Beetle/Scarab. Stats like a conscript except a little tougher that can at the expense of its attack use the flight ability(double movement with flight) with the scarab gaining a luck aura modifier(all adjacent units get +2 luck)

Tier 2 - Some sort of muslim melee warrior type unit. Statistically similar to a wardancer. Something like this except wielding 2 huge scimitars. Perhaps make it the opposite of the footman/squire with a 50% parry ability that reduces all melee dmg instead of ranged dmg.

Tier 3 - Can't really think of a good fit.

Tier 4 - Mummy/Royal Mummy. Tough tank-type undead unit that would have curse of the mummy ability which would raise the stack when it dies as one of your own(hp limit based on the amount of mummies you have)

Tier 5 - Sand Raider/Desert Raider - Very similar to the nomad with the upgrade being their own version of a paladin. Not really sure what type of ability to give them.

Tier 6 - Sphynx - Tough low melee dmg flying caster unit with spells like confusion and blind.

Tier 7 - Possibly some sort of god unit I can't really think of a good fit. Maybe the spirit of anubis or something along those lines.

Now this race wouldn't be entirely good but it would be like the guardian race designed to guard some great mythical artifact(like the order in the movie the mummy/mummy 2). I'd definitely like to see a race with this kind of theme. Failing that an aztec naga race would be a nice alternative. 8)

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Unread postby ShadeOfSandro » 16 Aug 2006, 12:22

Tier 3 - Serpents/Giant Cobras - of course the Cobras should have a venom/slowing attack. They could also have a coil attack that stuns, or even a stare that stuns, lots of room to work here.

Tier 6 - Sphinx/Golden Sphinx - definitely give them a confuse type of spell/ability.

Tier 7 - Anubis/Ra - A giant dog man for anubis, and a giant hawk man for Ra, lots of abilities could fit in here.

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Elemental Town

Unread postby Mytical » 22 Aug 2006, 12:37

Ok here it is, my vision of an Elemental town. First instead of Conflux, I envisioned a Nexus. Something like a town grown from organic crystals in the shape of prisms. Of course the heroes would be Elementalist, the mage guild would offer more 'summons' and damaging type spells then anything else. The heroes main attribute woud be Spellpower, and secondary would be Attack. These would be more 'Magic' then 'Might' heroes but different from those who are in the Academy.
Also, the elemental faction is abit physically weaker then most towns. They tend to make the up this by specials and producing a few more then most towns each weak. Since they can not be 'healed' normally by First Aid tents or raised with Ressurection, they will need the extra boost.
Here are what I think should be included in the elemental towns, stats and all. () indicate the name/stats/abilities of the upgraded creatures. Keeping in mind that upgraded creatures keep the abilities of the unupgraded one unless specified. {} is explination of certain things.

Tier 1-Willowwisp(Willowasp)-Att 1(1), Def 1(1), Dmg 1/1 (1/1), Init 4(5), speed3(4), hp 2(5). Immune to lightning, caster, 3(6) 'shots', Melee Penalty(no melee penalty), No Enemy Retaliation. Spells:Confusion, Eldritch bolt (Waspswarm/Lightning). Mana 10(15). Summoned from the elemental plane of air these creatures have a hard time holding there shape and are pretty fragile. If they are able to stay for sometime and collect natural electrical particles they grow in size and take on a 'buzzing' sound that insects respond too {this turns them into willowwasp}

Tier 2-Sylphs(Grand Sylphs)-Att 1(2), Def 1(3), Dmg 1/1(1/3), Init 6(6), Speed 3(4). Imm to Ice, Caster, Stun Attack (random). (No enemy retaliation). Melee Penalty {despite being a 'non-shooter'}. Spells:Ice Bolt (replaced by ring of frost centered arround self), Mark of Winter {makes target take extra damage from any ice spell cost no mana, usable 1x combat}, (Snowstorm {Reduces damage from range attacks for all units by very little, but for some time determined by no of Grand Sylphs}. Summoned from the Plane of Water (female form).

Tier 3-Flame Maiden(Fire Maiden)-Att 3(4), Def 0 (3), Dmg 3/6(4/7), Init 7(9), Shots 12(16), Speed 3(3). Imm to fire. Red haired females, wearing red armor (Entirely made of flame like the fire elementals in the conflux town but a little more female shaped). Range Penalty {reduced range damage until 1/4 instead of 1/2}. No melee penalty.

Tier 4- here I had some problems. Regular Elementals are about equal to tier 4 unupgraded creatures..but creating a single upgraded version was either too powerful, or too weak. And which regular elemental would the town actually produce? Can't leave the 'normal' elementals out of the town, or why bother making an elemental town at all? So..following my strand of thought, I finally decided to go with Earth Elemental as the unupgraded (since I already had air, water, and fire in tiers 1,2, and 3) so the unupgraded the town produced would be the earth elemental. Now all the 'normal' elementals would have to share a common upgrade (so that the Elementalist could enlist any neutral elemental stack and still upgrade them). I decided to call them Elemental Overseers. Still need a lot of tweaking to make more balanced but here they are. Att-10, def-10, dmg - 9/18. hp - 26 init 8 speed 6. Regenerate {they use whatever element is nearby, drawling it in and replacing damaged parts}, Random elemental ability {would cycle through the elemental abilities and have each for 1 'turn' before going to the next}, Imm to elemental spells of all types. Can target walls of castles.
As I said the other versions I made of this was a bit over or underpowered this is more powerful then I would like but much better then most versions. As for look they would look like a mismashed elemental...bits and pieces of each elemental. I am sure I will hear many negative things about this tier.

Cloudwalker(Clouddancer)-Att 6(8), def 5(5), dmg 4/9 (5/12), HP 28(33), Init 12, speed 6. Flying, Reduced damage from ranged attacks {do to being small in size and ability to 'direct' wind projectiles have a hard time hitting them} by 50%. Applies to normal, non-magical ranged attacks {like a deflect missile but unable to be dispelled} the dancer can 'dance' and summon up an area affect {3x3} lightning bolt for 5 mana and has 15 mana. Think of it as 'ball of lightning'

Earthmover/Rumbler- att15(17), def 30, dmg - 20/33, hp 120 (140), init 8(9), speed 4. Area att/retaliation {since these creatures resemble mounds or hills when they strike the entire area arround them actually recieves damage they attack in a 'wave' like and can not be retaliated against} can damage allies, and flyers recieve 1/2 damage only. Both can damage town walls, but keep in mind they can accidently damage yours as well. Rumbler can regenrate on any surface but water. Earthmovers are loose dirt, rumblers are comprised of boulders (mostly), and loose earth.

Now for 7th you could go with a firebird/phoenix combo, but I chose a different path to have the phoenix keep it's "Independance". NexusSpinner/Prism Spider. The creature that is responsible for the prisms that are used to desine the Nexus. Stats still in testing phaze. When on the field any summon type spell, or any spell in the Destructive spelltype cost 1.5x to cast as they disrupt the forces that fuel those spells {phantom forces are not affected} Both can summon elementals, and the Spider does so at +50% strength. Imm to all elemental damage and a 10% chance to deflect it to random enemy if cast into the area surrounding it. The Spiders bite is posion, and has a chance (10%) of immobolizing enemy.
Last edited by Mytical on 22 Aug 2006, 17:18, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 22 Aug 2006, 16:07

the tier 3 flame maidens - bit too similar to succubi, no? and the name change: flame -> fire, that means almost the same.

i really hope the map editor will be as great as Warcraft3 map editor, so when they(ubi or nival or who makes any difference between them anyway) dont make the races, then we can make them ourselves. but they gotta add lots of models or/and some very simple program for making them.

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Unread postby Mytical » 22 Aug 2006, 16:24

On a positive note, I have noticed a lot of people do have some very interesting ideas. Maybe somebody from Ubi should camp this and start a contest or something *chuckles*. Keep up the good work, for when you stop dreaming it is a sad day. On another note, from this point forward if I update my ideas it will be using the edit feature, which it should have been all along.
Last edited by Mytical on 23 Aug 2006, 16:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Aug 2006, 16:36

Mytical302 wrote: A lighter might have a flame, but a torch would have a fire.
Nope, a torch would have a flame. A Flame is a single colum of fire. Fire is just Fire. But your naming does work.
Last edited by ThunderTitan on 23 Aug 2006, 00:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby asandir » 23 Aug 2006, 00:42

fire covers flame and also a bonfire and a small fire and everything else .... the flame part gives meaning to the "amount" of fire present and indicates a smallish "amount" or at least limited to one "flame" (could be a big flame i suppose)

im not really sure that there would be an easy upgrade name for this
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A wierd late night thought.

Unread postby Mytical » 23 Aug 2006, 10:06

Last night out of the blue I had an interesting thought while working on my working on the quests that had brought about all these towns in the first place. Possibly the flame/fire of the elementals could be Embers(after all I have met a female named Ember before *chuckles*) while the upgrade could be either flame or fire. Just a weird random thought in the late nights. Anyhow since most of the responses I recieved have been negative I am assuming that posting my quests would be a moot point. Still, I do appreciate all the insights and suggestions.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 23 Aug 2006, 11:25

Ashley is a name too, right?

(a woman burnt to ashes, noo actually it would look ugly.)

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Editing some posts

Unread postby Mytical » 23 Aug 2006, 13:21

Trying to clear up and edit some posts so far having a rough time :).
Last edited by Mytical on 23 Aug 2006, 16:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 23 Aug 2006, 13:56

no i dont mean anything bad but it kinda makes sense that ash upgrades to fire, but now that i think (non-upg) succubus is also gray. so this would make it even more similar to succubus and that would be bad. so that ember is probably better.

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Insomnia + work =

Unread postby Mytical » 25 Aug 2006, 13:25

After 12 hrs staring at graphs, charts, numbers, ect I took a nap and had my craziest idea yet. Now before I continue, please keep in mind that this is purely for fun and NOT a serious suggestion. My weird out of my mind thought was...what if some Academy and Necromancers got together by some cosmic joke or something and decided to break away from their prespective factions. The goal? Well if the living dead is not the peak of perfection maybe machines are!!! Enter the Machinists. Powered by magic, they are functional and soon will make everything into there sterile ideal of perfection!

The towns 'units' would all be a combination of magic/machine. Things like Machanical spiders that can climb castle walls. Repair Bots that can repair other machines in combat, and 'recover' a few to repair out of combat. Flying machines that may be more dangerous to there users then the enemy. Things of such nature. And the machanical dragon would make a reapearance. Anyhow, going to try to go back to sleep now and forget this crazy idea.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 25 Aug 2006, 13:30

this idea is NOT AT ALL borrowed from Thief II: the metal age, no? the Mechanists?

i thought about the same when playing Morrowind, that it would be kinda cool if there would be a lot of golden robots(sphere centurions were so cool, but taking them would maybe break some copyrights). and dwarves fit in with machines so great.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 25 Aug 2006, 13:45

Necro came from academy,which sprung from haven,so having them mix into a new faction would be kind of dull.And Id prefer machines kept out of heroes.Or,if machines are to be introduced,they shouldnt be faction specific but available to all.

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