Most disappointing creature of Heroes V

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Most disappointing creature of Heroes V

Unread postby RunningManDK » 28 Jun 2006, 18:41

Hi all.

Just starting a thread about the most disappointing creature in the game.
Now which creature will get the doubtful honor of this title? ;)

Remember this title can be given for a number of reasons; it could be the stats of a given creature, or maybe the usefulness or it could just be the looks of the creature.(dare i mention the treants?) :disagree:

And to be clear, this is not to bash the game in anyway, cause i like it, but i'm just curious about all of your opinions on the creature design.

Just to set things in motion i'll say that i find the Minotaurs in Heroes V to be quite disappointing, taking into consideration that, in my opinion, they was one of the best of their tier in Heroes III.(and forgetting how stupid they looked in Heroes IV :-D ).

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Unread postby ClownRoyal » 28 Jun 2006, 18:49

Devil/Arch Devil without a doubt. In Heroes 3, it could teleport anywhere on the battlefield, it had stats appropriate for a Tier 7 unit, and reduced enemy luck. In Heroes 5, it has no movement range, no luck reduction, and it just feels weaker than it should be.

I could say the same about all Tier 7s though. I feel that for the most part, Tier 6 outshines them all.

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Unread postby Minmaster » 28 Jun 2006, 18:56


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Unread postby Corelanis » 28 Jun 2006, 19:03

Genies mostly becuase i would have liked to choose what spell they cast.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Jun 2006, 19:57

Gargoyels.Hated them from the first time I saw the sketch art,and I hate them ever since.A creature trully deserving of the name evil eye,imo :disagree:

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Unread postby jaq » 28 Jun 2006, 20:06

Gargoyles. They do have a nice graphics, but they are not flying stones with razor-sharp nails.
Isn't HV dark elven history Polish-driven?

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Unread postby jeff » 28 Jun 2006, 20:13

That's tough, so many to choose from for me I guess between Gargoyles and Genies. Heck both of them. :mad:
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Unread postby Dark Matter » 28 Jun 2006, 20:40

Regular Vampires. They do no real damage in small stacks and cannot recover well.
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Unread postby Warlock » 28 Jun 2006, 20:42

I think the Zombies all around were pretty worthless. Low initiative, low damage, VERY low speed. Though I've kind of hated Zombies in every incarnation of HoMM I've played. They should have put Ghosts at tier 2 (slightly lower stats of course) and then stuck Death Knights in there somewhere.

As far as looks go though, definately Gargoyles. So freaking ugly...

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Unread postby Akul » 28 Jun 2006, 20:59

Half of Academy units. Titans, gargoyles, golems, and genies (specialy) are the worst units I have seen. Even the demons look better :P
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 Jun 2006, 21:01

I'm constantly getting dissapointed by Inquisitors. Their biggest virtue is that they're hard to kill, but they're shooters, darnit. I never seem to get them to perform very well.
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Unread postby Nelgirith » 28 Jun 2006, 21:05

Hard choice: I have 3 that come immediately to my mind :

- Horned Demon : low initiative, low movement, totally useless against shooters or fast units. they are only useful if you have Teleport Assault.
- Zombies : see above, except that they are never useful ;)
- Genies : stupid look (do they even have a head under their hat ???) and no control on the spells they cast.

Final vote goes to Zombies ... I simply hate them since they have been put in game.
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I would say...

Unread postby wolf8t8t » 28 Jun 2006, 21:07

It's a toss up between gargoyles and conscripts. I mean one is just annoying to look at and the other looses the only ability that makes them worth anything. Ghost dragons gotta be up there too! And I officially nominate Wasp swarm as the worst spell!

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Unread postby Nebs » 28 Jun 2006, 21:09

ClownRoyal wrote:Devil/Arch Devil without a doubt. In Heroes 3, it could teleport anywhere on the battlefield,...
Seen many said this, but it is wrong.

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Unread postby thecheese » 28 Jun 2006, 21:17

Nebs is correct. Since he teleports, he can hit most places, but if you place him on either edge of the field, he cannot teleport to the opposite corner in one turn.

Worst unit looks...probably normal gargoyles. Unit that fails the most...well, probably the devil/arch devils, although if you can get ultimate gating, then they become the best level 7 creature. Zombies or iron golems would then get my vote.

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 28 Jun 2006, 21:37

Hydras and their upgrades. Just too slow to be of any great use. The no retaliation is nice if you ever get the chance to attack with a stack of hydras. I've gone many a battle with them acting as nothing but filler for my army.

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Unread postby Dark Matter » 28 Jun 2006, 22:10

Omega_Destroyer wrote:Hydras and their upgrades. Just too slow to be of any great use. The no retaliation is nice if you ever get the chance to attack with a stack of hydras. I've gone many a battle with them acting as nothing but filler for my army.
Their initiative is very low. In major battles they are only fun when you use Teleport and put them in front of the enemy`s shooters.
Otherwise pretty disappointing.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 29 Jun 2006, 00:12

In my book, they aren't even worth wasting a spell on. Rather blast the enemy than buff the hyrdas

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Jun 2006, 01:09

Upgraded hydras are great.Just haste them and your enemy is dead.And they regenarete around 40 hp every time they act(30-50 actually),so if you wait,wait and wait,or have high morale,they can almost never die.

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Unread postby MrSteamTank » 29 Jun 2006, 04:39

Most units with low initiative are pretty sucky. Unless they have some sort of secondary ability such as shield ally, entangle, or offensive spells(pitlord).

Units like horned demons or zombies simply blow pretty badly unless you have teleport assault.

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