Armageddon Blade

abArmageddon Blade is stand-alone expansion for Heroes III. Restoration of Erathia. It was released at 30 Sept 1999. Brought in new combo artifacts, new units like Azure, Rust, Fairy Dragons, Trolls, Halflings, Enchanters, Sharpshooters and new faction Conflux with elemental units and Phoenix on the top.

The main campaing is revolving about Lucifer's dream to set world in fire with Armageddon Blade, which mission is pursued by Xeron and then you switch to the other side playing for Gelu, Catherine, Roland to free the world from this Nightmare.

Among that it features Dragon's Blood campaign with Mutare and Vial of Dragon's Blood, Dragon Slayer campaign with Dracon, Festival of Life campaign featuring Kilgor, excellent Playing with Fire campaign with Adrienne and Lord Haart with failing memory and lastly bonus campaign Foolhardy Waywardness featuring young Sir Christian as fragrance alchemists.

And some great maps like SEVEN3 and new objects, fe Pandora's Box.

Originally there was planned cyber town Forge but after a great strife between fans and NWC Conflux was born instead.



  • Marcus Pregent Interview Part 2

    The jolly fellow Marcus Pregent shares more of his great stories with us in the second part of this interview, where we go through things such as: 

    • Legends of Might and Magic 
    • Might and Magic VI 
    • Heroes of Might and Magic III 
    • Gelu
    • Nerf Guns in the office
    • Community Questions 
    • Much, much more

    Did I mention Nerf Guns in the office? Yeah I did, but seriously, that sounds like a lot of fun and I hope I will get to

  • Armageddon’s Blade → Maker of Sorrows

    Create Armageddon’s Blade to win the scenario. If Xeron is defeated in combat the scenario is lost. Xeron will be allowed to advance to 24th level and carry over his experience, skills, and spells to his next scenario CAUTION: you will be playing against your Xeron build in his next scenario.

    Starting Bonus: 5 Pit Lords or Loins of Legion or Upgraded Kennels

  • Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent

    The time has come for us to book in our next interview!

    This time, we will be sitting down with Marcus Pregent, who worked as a level designer of Might and Magic VI, then progressed to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for which he made the Armageddon's Blade campaign and some more single scenarios. One of the more notable ones being "Faeries".
    He was also involved in Shadow of Death, creating

  • Short News 20' - July 22

    New Armageddon Blade's Walkhtrough

    New walkthrough for Armageddon Blade, Catherine's Charge by ithacor. Fingers crossed, to be continued. Enjoy!


    Masters of Sighisoara Final Saga

    Tmos festers wanted for the last, final and mind blowing Masters of Sighisoara Campaign.
