New World Computing

New World Computing - Found in 1984 in Redwood City, California by Jon Van Caneghem and his wife Michaela Van Caneghem and Mark Caldwell. Produced a wide range of fantasy games with sci-fi elements, which set the motion and become famous. At that being revolutionary, easy recognisable and with immerse gameplay. (Not a phrase, like today) Spiced with a humorous references to all of the other famous things.

To name a few: King's Bounty, Might & Magic (I-IX.), Heroes of Might & Magic(I-IV.), Acromage and Heroes Chronicles. All of them all cult games by now.

NWC was later bought by 3DO (at July 10, 1996), which slowly get things out of hands and filled bankruptcy in 2003.

As history never ends, the Might & Magic franchise was bought by Ubisoft and King's Bounty by 1C Entertainment.

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