Might & Magic VII. - Day of the Destroyer
Might and Magic 6,...
Today, 15:05 by Gruslik (8608 replies)
in Might and Magic
And I also discovered a new problem that only occurs on a laptop. Everything works fine on a regular...
Elemental Mod for MM7...
Today, 13:45 by Tomsod (248 replies)
in Might and Magic
Some pre-placed monsters have weird stats in vanilla; I largely kept that. In particular, peaceful...
Multiplayer for MMMerge...
Yesterday, 21:40 by Leemaw (290 replies)
in Might and Magic
Can you tell me which script judges the amount of XP shared to players? I found a script called mon.Experience...
[HOMM5] help needed...
Yesterday, 09:55 by Palorius (1 reply)
in Modcrafting Guild
Preface: I have modded many games in my life (Baldur's gate 1&2, Planescape:Torment, Skyrim, EU4,...
ArcoMage HD v2: opensource...
17.03, 19:37 by tomchen1989 (12 replies)
in Might and Magic
Just came to say that I still play this. It's fun!
Also, good job on the updates! I like it!
Might and Magic IX:...
16.03, 21:14 by tolich (14 replies)
in Might and Magic
1) quest journal could have entry "Meet Bjarni in his throne room" when it was Sigmund who called...
Might & Magic VII. - Day of the Destroyer