Death Path new HotA... 07.03, 21:50 by SimHotA (1 reply) in Mapmaking Guild Hello everyone!
I created my first HotA map about two months ago, and I'm searching for someone who...
Might and Magic 6,... 05.03, 20:20 by jeremy001 (8578 replies) in Might and Magic Hello ,
I have fixed the Czech language in MM7. It was a lot of work, but I believe it’s done well....
Aurelain, maker of the H5 Skill Wheel, is currently working on this lovely hero screen for King's Bounty. It allows you to build an unrestrained hero, with no regards for available gold, runes or other restrictions. You can also see how your hero's parameters change when increasing the level. Release date undetermined, but likely around the release of Armored Princess.
Death Path new HotA... 07.03, 21:50 by SimHotA (1 reply) in Mapmaking Guild Hello everyone!
I created my first HotA map about two months ago, and I'm searching for someone who...
Might and Magic 6,... 05.03, 20:20 by jeremy001 (8578 replies) in Might and Magic Hello ,
I have fixed the Czech language in MM7. It was a lot of work, but I believe it’s done well....