
  Foreword | New Campaigns | Maps


I will be pushing this year  to finish our database and the merge. For now you will find overview of all maps submitted to CH in this article.

Our old "Map Page" still serves well but you cannot log in and rate, as  the old site is permanently disabled. The rest is on this page.

In menu were added direct links to our "Campaigns" and "Other Features", to be more on eyes.

If you are looking for something use "Tags", as our content is tagged, in addition to categories. Check Top or Main menu for them.

As for future MapdDB, let me know, if you have any refined idea for sorting or searching. There will be marked map version, size, author, name, contact (if available), number of players (human/computer), teams (Co-op, AI, No), Language, Win and Lose conditions, description, download, hits and rating. And comments.

Happy gaming! Because even inspite of all these new mobile games, the original H2+ line is still more fun. Especially HotA spurred lots of attention, finally. And HDMod with SP_plugin. Or  Verokster Open GL wrappers.

New Campaigns

H4 The Unity campaign. Unity project is revolving around original texts from Terry Ray, written for Heroes IV. Which is Unity Team bringing to life. Currently the first map of the campaign, "The Isle of Order" is ready and in need of testing. Next planned maps are Isle of Life, Isle of Nature, Isle of Chaos and Isle of Death. Visit the linked thread to download it. Unity Project is striking for audience! waving

Shadows over Ashan: Community DLC, and first and only map Hunger Games are all yours, if you want to explore the best of Heroes 7.

Legends of the Ancients with Quantomas AI have been updated and are currently available as a part of his include fixes of some game breaking bugs in books 1&2. We therefore, humbly recommend to play them again. Of course, they will be made available as a separated books download from official LotA pages later on, waiting on Quantomas' split.

For newcomers, Legends of the Ancients features good old heroes from Might & Magic universe in the world of Ashan. Of course, expect Sandro and Solmyr and the kind king Archibald, to save the world. (In Book 4, which is not yet written) But the full story to read on is here, available as pdf, with some nice art. Read it, play it and leave us your comment.



New Maps by Humakt:
H3C: Triangle Trials | XL | 8 Co-op
H3C: Stormia | XL | 8 Co-op

Previous new maps on Thundermaps

New Maps by Yurian Stonebow and MadMax:
H3C: A Quest for no Mortal by MadMax (HoP) and Yurian Stonebow | M | 1 Human
H3C: Imperial Days by Yurian Stonebow | XL | 5/3
H3C: Mutare's Apprentice (Allies) by Yurian Stonebow | L | 8 Humans
H3C: Prime Suspect by MadMax (HoP) and Yurian Stonebow | L | 4 Humans

H3C: Tolkien's War of the Ring by Yurian Stonebow | XL | 6/2
H3C: Viking Invasion 1.3 (Allies) by Yurian Stonebow | XL | 7/1

Maps Sent For Testing:

H3_HotA: The Hobbit by Bilbo Baggins by PatrickAce | XXL | 1 Human
H4_WoW: Archmages by Kuron | XL | 1-6 Humans, no Allies
H4_WoW: Stone Soup RPG by Aranei  | XL | 1 Human
H3C: It's time for rebellion! by Sensai | XL | 1 Human vs 6 AI teamed up
H5_ToTE: Demonic Defense by mctronic | N | 1 Human vs 4 AI
H3_HotA: Surrea: The Shift by Echo | XL | 8 Humans 
Battle for Crimea by Milos Gajic | N | 3 Humans

H5_ToTE: The Initiation by mctronic | S | 1 Human vs 1 AI
H4_WoW: Maximus by NATSSIRK | XL | 6 Humans
H7TbF: The Hunger Games Map by Antalyan | L | 6 Humans
H5.5: The Keymaster by Silentine | XL | 6 Humans
H3C: Kill 'em All (Allies) by Adam Simms | XL | 3 Humans vs 3 AI
H3C: Hold the Line by Sachertorte | S | 2 Humans
H7TbF: Dragonpass
by Sandmean87 | L | 6 Humans
H3_HotA: Blushing Tide
by AsJo | XL | 8
H3_HotA: Founderling Ventures by AsJo | XL | 8
H3_HotA: Plight of Conquest by AsJo | XL | 8

Triangle Trials Triangle Trial ug  Triangle Trials Screenshot

Map Name: Triangle Trials
Author: Humakt
E-mail Address:  
Map Type: MP
Map Size: XL
Players: 8 (Human/Computer)
Teams: Co-op (2,2,2,2)
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: None
Special Loss: None
Description: Challenges in Tringle Trials awaits.


CH Comment: Played map once. It's huge, with many sections carefully isolated by guards. Plethora of resources and artifacts at your disposal. Each player has one secured town. The other towns are up to you. Perfect for co-op playing, even with AI :D

 Stormia Stormia ug

Map Name: Stormia
Author: Humakt
E-mail Address:  
Map Type: MP
Map Size: XL
Players: 6/2(Human/Computer)
Teams: Co-op (2,2,2,1,1)
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: None
Special Loss: None
Description: Grip a strong hold of this scenario and conquer the fortresses..

Maps sent by Yurian



Map Name: A Quest for no Mortal 0.95
Author: MadMax (HoP)
Map Size: M
Players: 1 Human
Teams: None
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: Acquire Tome of Air Magic
Special Loss: Timed, 3 months
Description: The whole continent of Sighisoara is in anarchy. Hordes of refugees come from Jarall and Rojaice. The inhabitants of Gyondria and the other islands have all fled their homes, destroyed in series of violent disasters. Most of them have gone insane because of what they saw. The people cry for a hero.
Download: A_Quest_for_no_Mortal_0.95.h3m

Imperial Days Imperial Days ug

Map Name: Imperial Days 1.1
Author: Yurian Stonebow
Map Size: XL
Players: 5/3(Human/Computer)
Teams: No
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: None
Special Loss: None
Description: Roman Empire is at its greatest extent, with most of the Western Civilization living under the blissful Pax Romana. But the times are changing. The surrounding tribes are on the warpath once again. And the mighty Parthian Kingdom of the East is also looking for the right time to attack the Romans.
Download: Imperial_Days_1.1.h3m

Mutares Apprentice Mutares Appretince ug 

Map Name: Mutare's Apprentice (Allies)
Author: Yurian Stonebow
Map Size: L
Players: 8 Humans
Teams: 3,1,1,2,1
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: Defeat Zofar
Special Loss: None
Description: Erathian duchy, Grassy Plains has been attacked by a large Dragon army flying the old Dragon Queen's banner. But Mutare died years ago in a bloody civil war in Nighon! You and your ally must first restore order and then find out who usurped Mutare's legacy and what for. It's time for Dragon hunt!
Download: Mutares_Apprentice_1.6.h3m

Prime Suspect Prime Suspect ug 

Map Name: Prime Suspect
Author: MadMax (HoP)
Map Size: L
Players: 4 Humans
Teams: 2,1,1
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: Acquire Cloak of the Undead King
Special Loss: Time, 3 months
Description: MoS prologue to Campaign 2.

Rojaice is under the influence of an artifact stolen from a caravan carrying precious gifts to Antholenor. Bandits who took it are foolishly looking to resurrect an old foe of yours but have not yet managed to do so. It is your duty to reclaim this artifact and lead the forces of Xerphef to victory.
Download: Prime_Suspect_1.3.h3m

Tolkiens War of the Ring Tolkiens War of the Ring ug 

Map Name: Tolkien's War of the Ring 1.3a
Author: Yurian Stonebow
Map Size: XL
Players: 6/2(Human/Computer)
Teams: 2,5,1
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: Acquire Pendant of Courage
Special Loss: None
Description: The end of the Third Age is near and Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor has begun his long awaited War. Now the ultimate fate of the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth rests in your hands in this faithful re-creation of J.R.R.Tolkien's epic world. Does the One Ring (Diplomat's Ring) really rule them all?
Download: Tolkiens_War_of_the_Ring_1.3a.h3m

Viking Invasion Allies Viking Invasion Alliesriangle Trial ug 

Map Name: Viking Invasion 1.3 (Allies)
Author: Yurian Stonebow
Map Size: XL
Players: 7/1(Human/Computer)
Teams: 1,2,2,1,1,1
Game Version: H3C
Language: English
Special Win: None
Special Loss: None
Description: In A.D 793 a group of northern warriors attacked Lindisfarne, England causing much havoc. Now, a Century has passed and the Norsemen are raiding accross Europe. The Pope has charged Christian Kings to restore order. Drive back the plundering Vikings and the Holy Father's blessing is yours!
Download: Viking_Invasion_1.3_Allies.h3m
Hits: 24479

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