Marzhin Q&A Video

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King Imp
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Joined: 06 Jan 2006

Unread postby King Imp » 12 Feb 2011, 03:28

Thank you for clearing that up Marzhin. Lord knows no one at Ubi bothered to do the same.

I, and I'm sure many others, when we heard about these Q&As believed they were to reveal new info and cover the main things that the communities asked about. Now you're telling us that isn't the case, so I blame Ubi for basically misleading us on that. They should have just come right out and told us these Q&As would not answer anything new and they would still be sticking to their scheduled info release timetable.

I think my main frustration lies in the fact that when Heroes 5 was in development, 4 months out from it's release we knew everything about the game and the open beta test had already begun. Now, I know March is probably out as the Heroes 6 release date, but say it's pushed back to May. That's still Spring 2011 as they indicated. That's 3 months away (1 less than when all Heroes 5 info was out) and we still don't know squat about this game. How hard is it for them to pick up the pace in regards to releasing info? While these screenshots of the day are nice and all, they don't tell us anything.

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Marzhin Q&A Video

Unread postby junnexgolem » 17 Feb 2011, 11:22

"sandro's back"'s all i needed to hear. ^_^.. oH and about the accent~ hehehe

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