Superior Academy Upgrades

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Unread postby danhvo » 29 Aug 2008, 08:38

Elvin wrote:You don't often face 30 spellpower necros do you. It's basically an armageddon tha doesn't hit undead and damage is pretty decent. Throw in sorcery and it's a potential game winner provided the game is not too long.
I am not going to engage in that discussion here, as this is not the right thread. Instead, I'll just say one thing:

If CotN is so powerful, as you implied, I suspect that it would receive at least some votes in the poll for the best level-5 spell.

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 29 Aug 2008, 10:31

The Djiin are subpar melee troops because:
1) Hit points too low
2) Defense too low
3) They don't have specials that help them melee.
4) In my opinion for a level 5 troop their specials suck

They are subpar casters because their spells are too random/cast same spell as already cast or the luck bonus in too little.

Other melee troops have specials like no retal, blind, fear, ect that help tme survive being in the fray. Having some magic proof to spells doesn't help them melee one bit. The proof helps make up for low hit points against spells but that's it.

They come along when one would hope for a sturdy troop to help. Unfortunatedly he ain't it.
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 29 Aug 2008, 12:10

But let's not forget the general attitude of the Academy army:

THREE ranged attackers plus a magically versed hero. The level 3 IS a sturdy melee troop, but slow and low in initiative, while the level 2 is faster, but no storm troops either. Which means BOTH troops are support/blockers.
That leaves the levels 5 and 6, and if you are on the lookout for a sturdy melee unit that packs a punch you just found it: the level 6 unit is a powerhouse, no matter the upgrade. The special to be activated is just right to use instead of a waiting action, and after speeding things up the unit will wreak havoc within the lines of the advancing attackers.
So what is left? Another flier, the second one, added to 3 shooters, that's rather cool. Again, in a full-out battle you don't need any STORM troops (like the Nightmares). What you get is a multi-purpose unit that can make use of waiting time, one way or another - and make no mistake, it adds up.
The best thing is, that artifacts give you the opportunity to tweak the unit, how you want it. Adding health and Defense to the Viziers, for example; or speed and attack to the Sultans.
And so on.

What is a bit warping the view is the fact that the AI targets them by default.

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Unread postby Elvin » 29 Aug 2008, 12:50

I won't get into it either but I'll counter the question with 'why should it?' The fact that I've seen battles won or lost because of it does not make it the best by default nor will the opponent always have puppet.

And while I generally agree that djinns suck JJ is right. They are simply not conventional units and can do a good job with the right mini arties/spells. For instance in one game they saved my hide when with motw I cast arcane armour/regeneration on djinns and colossi. They took minimal damage from cotn and kept dealing damage with their initiative and good luck.
Of course that was vs necro that does not have good damage dealing capabilities, vs haven they'd have died pretty fast :D
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Unread postby discostu » 30 Aug 2008, 01:15

Elvin wrote:They have 75% magic proof so they are barely hurt by spells.
Oh! Didn't realize those dudes had that much magic proofing...

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Unread postby KiOwA » 14 Sep 2008, 20:07

Elvin wrote:You don't often face 30 spellpower necros do you. It's basically an armageddon tha doesn't hit undead and damage is pretty decent. Throw in sorcery and it's a potential game winner provided the game is not too long.
Not uncommon to face a 400+ dmg CotN in ToTE... in vanilla HV the spell rarely approached 300 dmg. A great counter to 1-unit stacks.
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