Jolly Joker wrote:
We are talking about a game here, which means we are neither talking the Sistine Chapel nor drawing lessons in the kindergarden but something in between.
No, we are (or I am) talking about in-game art, not just game. Art is about impression and self-expression, and it doesnt matter if its priceless work of renaissance artist or game art. It still can and
should impress you someway if its true. Or it can be ..insincere when its done by principle "Ill be paid anyway", or even worse - when its done by vainglorious amateur.
I agree that art factor can be of little import for many games (Civilization or MOO for example) But sometimes it has major significance like in Disciples 2 or coming "Tension (Тургор)". Thats where imagery and accordingly, atmosphere, plays
a lot in overall gameplay experience.
For me its important part of HoMM as well. So my interest in that game is not just about intellectual chalange (like chess). And whole thing is not just about me not liking H5 art. Its also about me seeing that it was made carelessly. Just like a lot of other aspects of this game.