I like it. It's interesting.

Hmm... You would have to accept volunteers and I'm afraid we wouldn't have too many volunteers to be auctioned off. It can be cruel to be the last kid picked for kickball.Mytical wrote:Bachelors (and Bachelorettes) of CH would be an interesting game.
One for 5 wouldn't take a month. Do 3 next gravy.winterfate wrote: 2. gravyluvr's next HOMM auction (whether it'd be 3 or 5)
Lets at least take a month between the "auction" games.Kalah wrote:I'll authorize a new auction, no problem... but please let's have a break from it first - we've been playing it for a year now... The other thing, I dunno. Maybe if there are enough participants.
Now WHY is it that because ONE person said it was "No fun without DL" that the game was closed? There were at least 6 of us still playing it. Just because there was no one keeping score, it becomes a "non-game"? That is just not fair.This thread seems to have degenerated from a game with a scoreboard into just "post somewhat as per the rules". Thus, it's closed until further notice.
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