What i want to do is change the skins for blood furies/maidens and shadow matriarchs/witches so they look like
a) they might actually be of some use in a fight
b) know a hairdresser
c) turn me on less (j/k :p)
I know there's a mod at elrath.com that gives furies chain mail, but i want to go a bit further than that.
For the maidens/furies i was thinking of reusing the war dancer skin from sylvan because its fairly androdgynous (sp?) anyway and then id like to have the swords either on fire or glowing like the furies' daggers currently are. Id also change the hair colour, to something darker than bright red, and if i can manage it add some chain mail like in the elrath mod. Maybe if they dont come out looking female ill just change the name.
But i was wondering what to do with the witches and matriarchs - my only idea so far has been to make the druid skins a bit darker (evil-er). I was wondering if it was possible to take the generic dungeon hero skin and put that as a basic unit instead? (thus the matrirachs look like they might actually be matriarchs...)
Any other thoughts or ideas for this? Also tips on editing skins would be great