Alter way skills are given?

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Alter way skills are given?

Unread postby Grimloq » 24 Oct 2006, 18:00

Hi there,

a few weeks, i had the idea of changing the way you pick your skills - awy from the random options and towards a menu similar to those of, let´s say Diablo2 or something like the skillwheel, where you are free to choose one of the skills available to you at every level up.
However, knowing very little about modding in general and the homm5-editor in specific, i didn´t even come close to this goal :(
So therefore i´m asking you if you have any ideas how to solve this... hope somebody can help ;)


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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 24 Oct 2006, 19:39

that would mean changing the whole skill interface.

way beyond my abilities, but someone around might be able to figure out how to do it.

also try posting your request over at; there are a few folks there that have played with changing the interfaces for various things.

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