I am (finally) getting started with Heroes V

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Oct 2006, 06:25

Was it only me that read this post by Shuy-guy???
I love emeralds dragons too! They are my favourite dragons in that town.
what the hell does that mean? you comparing them with the unupgraded unit??? they are the only dragon unit in the faction!!!! 8| 8| 8|
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 13 Oct 2006, 09:39

Well, try Necro.
Mostly shooting, and resurrecting comes with the trade, so that might suit you even more.

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Unread postby Banedon » 14 Oct 2006, 00:42

The combat system is bewildering! So used to the Heroes 3/4 system, I wait and wait and wait and my Master Hunters never get to shoot :) Don't think I can't win a scenario right at once mr.hackcrag! Allow me to save / load often to get a feel of my enemy's creatures and I bet I can do it. Though I gave up on my first try because for some odd reason there's no Autosave. I'm going to try again.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 14 Oct 2006, 00:57

Was it only me that read this post by Shuy-guy???
nope, wasn't just you. I just figured something got "lost in the translation".


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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 14 Oct 2006, 03:01

You can select autosave from the options menu.

Shuyssar may have been talking about compared to previous games (fairy dragon vs. emerald dragon for example).

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Oct 2006, 03:15

Yeah right.He hates all of the homms before HV because of their "lousy" graphics.Why would he compare those "ugly" things with this "magnificent" beast? :devious:

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Unread postby Shuyssar » 14 Oct 2006, 06:42

I don't hate the previous episodes. I just like Heroes of Might and Magic 5 much more. Not only because of the graphics, but for the whole aesthetics and original town design!
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Unread postby maltz » 14 Oct 2006, 06:50

Just play the campaigns on heroic. They are pretty fun with patch 1.3 now.

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Unread postby Mytical » 14 Oct 2006, 07:27

Well the campains are not bad for getting to know the game, they do help you learn the towns. Start on easy if nothing else, you may get tired of each town by the time you get through the campains, but at least you will have a general idea. Also, it's a pain but you can do mp maps offline and be both (all) sides to really get a feel for the towns. This is tiring, boring, and difficult, but if you start with like 6 towns and one of each town, at least you have some idea which you like best (and then difficulty only decides how big the neutral stacks are and how much goods you start out with). I did this several times each patch (what can I say, I must enjoy pain or something) and each time I found which I was best at, and enjoyed the most. Sylvan pretty much was my race of choice so far in each patch. Academy has been in the last slot in each patch. The others have mixed up from one patch to the next.

For ranged/defensive I would have to tip my hat to Sylvan, with Academy having the potential to outdo them..if you can achieve the patience that is needed to master Academy. Academy will (eventually) do more ranged damage then Sylvan, but doubt you will have the defense of the Sylvan.

Necro is next for ranged but more ranged/negative for other guys type. Mass slow and liches death cloud can ruin your day. That and tons and tons and tons of skel archers (watch for the emerald dragons of sylvan though).

Haven has some great range, there light magic is terrific for defensive, and you can grow your marksmen pretty dang fast. Leave the hordes of peasents at home gaining you money, and then when you ready to engage your enemy upgrade them to archers then pay for marksman upgrade and go wrecketh the havok. Just watch for puppet master/frenzy. If you can boost your MR with items this would be great :). Hit every +moral +luck thing you can, and you can get much quicker attacks/double damage more often. With 60 marksmen a week this can mean mucho trouble for whoever gets in your way. (Cleanse spell is ok if you can boost your sp to decent levels to combat your enemies). Wish they had that anti-magic back...anyhow. Also your AA's speed is just amazing and they fly too, so they can reach those pesky archers of your enemies quick (but you will loose more then a few of them). Ride your pallies up to assist quick as you can and tally ho.

None of the others are bad, but some are not much for defensive. Dungeon/inferno are deffinately offensive in nature. Succubus Mistress is a really great ranged unit :), but that about the only inferno ranged unit (not counting pit lords fireball sorry).
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Oct 2006, 09:03

Mytical wrote: Also, it's a pain but you can do mp maps offline and be both (all) sides to really get a feel for the towns. This is tiring, boring, and difficult, but if you start with like 6 towns and one of each town, at least you have some idea which you like best (and then difficulty only decides how big the neutral stacks are and how much goods you start out with). I did this several times each patch (what can I say, I must enjoy pain or something) and each time I found which I was best at, and enjoyed the most. Sylvan pretty much was my race of choice so far in each patch. Academy has been in the last slot in each patch. The others have mixed up from one patch to the next.
My God what has celestial heavens done to you?You have been almost completely corrupted!You are now a succubus,changed your pic to a shadow witch AND play simultaneously more than one towns? :-D I hope the damage is not irreparable :D
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Unread postby Mytical » 14 Oct 2006, 09:11

For some reason people assumed (you know what assuming does don't you?) I only played one town. As for my avatar a girl can change her mind. It is rule no 1.3.25 (oops not supposed to give away the rules :loll:). I have went through many avatar changes..will eventually find one I really like. Actually I always do indepth on everything I try. It is a curse. I have to delve as far in as I can stand or can't make up my mind. If I don't play every town dozens of times in dozens of ways, I would hate myself in the morning hehe.

I am looking for a really good standout avatar if somebody has a pic (of the right size) they would send me. Classy, female, and with a dark but inticing look would be awesome :).
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Oct 2006, 09:37

You didn't take me seriously,did you?Don't worry I am used to not taking anything for granted.I never could restrict myself to one town even though I may favour some :) And I seem to share your curse-I may not explore all the possibilities but I need to know how to play them all at least decently.But I do something simpler and easier for that:There is this nice map peninsula you can start numerous times just to get used and explore the factions.Guaranteed to end by month 2-3 tops so leaves enough time to check the other factions.Hmm,you don't happen to be a perfectionist?
As for avatar have you tried Adrienne?Always liked that one,both for pic and character.
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Unread postby Mytical » 14 Oct 2006, 09:41

I rarely take things seriously and have a sarcastic sense of humor (a bad combination). Probably am slightly a perfectionist..but after awhile I stick with my favorite town and pardon the pun..go to town. Then I try doing things out of the box. (Sylvan with Dark, Att, Def, Sorc, Enlight for example) Sometimes these unusal combos can be really really devestating. Other times, well you get pounded back into the stoneages and end up with clubs going "Ug me like fire, me get fire!!"
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Oct 2006, 10:11

Mytical wrote:I rarely take things seriously and have a sarcastic sense of humor (a bad combination). Probably am slightly a perfectionist..but after awhile I stick with my favorite town and pardon the pun..go to town. Then I try doing things out of the box. (Sylvan with Dark, Att, Def, Sorc, Enlight for example) Sometimes these unusal combos can be really really devestating. Other times, well you get pounded back into the stoneages and end up with clubs going "Ug me like fire, me get fire!!"
Depends on how you do it.And not all people have the same understanding.So not necessarily bad!
That's like your current favourite town for this day? :D Yes I like doing unusual things too but just to try them and I afterwards keep some subtle tricks slightly modifying my initial startegy.To add the spice ;) Not much fun playing the same strategy very often.Still I don't recall any incident with clubs and fire.
Btw I have often heard(even from female friends) that girls are not easy to make up their mind.But hard to stop them once they do.Hehe.
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Unread postby Mytical » 14 Oct 2006, 10:16

:hoo: only happens when you get trounced so bad that you get a scull fracture and start seeing things. Like when on Heroic Peninsula (spellcheck please) with me playing Academy and my enemy playing necro. I chose some crazy skills for Academy (att, def, luck, logistics, warmachines, and enlightenment) yes that meant very little spells (wheee it was fun until I actually met the necro group) I got trounced so hard it was pathetic :). But I at least had fun trying (again and again) to get this skill set..it is not easy to do with Academy).

What your friends tell you is true for me. I may be open minded, but when I finally do make a decision, nobody can change it except me. Still I love a debate, and keep an open mind for a long long time. Sylvan would be my 2nd favorite if not for academies (do this or you will not stand a chance and if you deter even slightly you will have a hard time) troubles. I hate being forced to do things a certain way :). (No I wont get into the debate again).
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Oct 2006, 11:39

Debates are good since you get to use your head :) and may hear some interesting views and ideas but the one about academy is a dead end.Once you've exposed your thoughts it becomes a jumble of 'I don't agree',whining,mod proposals,recycling of arguments and there is little to be gained.And of course you hate limitations,who doesn't?Still academy remains my favourite followed by sylvan,inferno and dungeon.Maybe 1.4 or HoF will restore your faith!
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 Oct 2006, 11:52

Mytical wrote: Still I love a debate, and keep an open mind for a long long time.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. ;)

Shuyssar wrote:Not only because of the graphics, but for the whole aesthetics and original town design!
Originality - when one knows not where something was copied from.
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Oct 2006, 13:01

ThunderTitan wrote:
Originality - when one knows not where something was copied from.
It's been some time since originality lost its meaning and aqcuired this new one.But then again even if you try to create something new,chances are it will be reminiscent of something that alredy exists whether you are aware of it or not.
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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 14 Oct 2006, 13:05

Banedon wrote:The combat system is bewildering! So used to the Heroes 3/4 system, I wait and wait and wait and my Master Hunters never get to shoot :) Don't think I can't win a scenario right at once mr.hackcrag! Allow me to save / load often to get a feel of my enemy's creatures and I bet I can do it. Though I gave up on my first try because for some odd reason there's no Autosave. I'm going to try again.
Only difference is that initiative speed means how often you'd move and who'd move first. But that's enough difference I think.

And BTW, there's nothing original in Sylvan.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Oct 2006, 14:47

Elvin wrote: It's been some time since originality lost its meaning and aqcuired this new one.But then again even if you try to create something new,chances are it will be reminiscent of something that alredy exists whether you are aware of it or not.
Yet even in these times,we are blessed by a few really original games.Spellforce,for example.Though now a bit old,it is one of the rare original games I played recently.

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