Some quick questions from an excited newbie to the series.

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Some quick questions from an excited newbie to the series.

Unread postby Fenril » 12 Oct 2006, 21:50

Excuse me im a dire rpg fan but I never touched the might and magic rpg series, just the heroes strategy one :\ I recently got MM6 on a recommendation from a friend, can anyone answer me a couple of questions?

1. I read some people have problems with music, im not sure if this is the case with me, my friend told to install the unofficial 1.3 patch and I did, all sounds effects are normal, the intro plays music, but there is none on the main menu screen...but I get sound when I adjust the music volume? Should there be music playing in the background all the time?

2. Attacking...A and so on, the speed seems to be fine on my recent PC with windows XP and the unofficial patch, but I can tell im going to have to play turn based alot, question is is there any way to make my characters continuously attack without repeatadely hitting the attack shortcuts?

That is all I guess, I hope someone thats around notices this.
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Unread postby Paulus1 » 12 Oct 2006, 22:45

It's been really long time since I played MM6, but I think I can answer your second question.

IIRC just press and hold the A button, and you will keep attacking by default until you release A button.

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Unread postby Kristo » 12 Oct 2006, 22:49

I used turn-based mode almost exclusively in both MM6 and MM7. It's pretty much the only way to be effective at combat when using anything besides brute force. Plus, once you learn Fly, you can fly up and down when it's not your turn! It's great for dodging shots from dragons and such.

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