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Unread postby Thelonious » 06 Oct 2006, 21:10

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Kalah wrote:Gravity can't be attracted to anything, only objects can...
That depends.If gravity is particle based,then it can.If it is a space-time distortion(much more likely),then it cant.
Well that depends on how you view it, it's gravity (the force) that pulls objects together (but it's only noticeable with big ones) but there are also scientist who are looking for the first graviton (a gravity particle)

Then ofcourse you'd get an effect like with light, it's a particle or not?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 06 Oct 2006, 21:32

Thelonious wrote:Well that depends on how you view it, it's gravity (the force) that pulls objects together (but it's only noticeable with big ones) but there are also scientist who are looking for the first graviton (a gravity particle)

Then ofcourse you'd get an effect like with light, it's a particle or not?
But what causes that force?! And what is a force made off?! Why do highschool chemistry book claim that everything is made out of matter when it ain't? Did Descarte really have a hallucinogenic mushroom trip in which an angel told him that everything can be measured with numbers?
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Unread postby Ethric » 07 Oct 2006, 01:16

Books on science in schools have to lie, to make you understand the basics. Then as you progress more and more "lies" are peeled away.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 01:25

Science books dont lie,they just gradually introduce you to various theories that humanity went through.But instead of centuries of believing one theory,you are using it for just a few years,or even less.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 07 Oct 2006, 07:40

ThunderTitan wrote:And what is a force made off?!
Photons, gravitons, gluons, or W or Z bosons.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 10:41

Those are just theories,and none is confirmed.Besides,gravity being just a dimensional distortion is just as plausable(if not even more plausable).

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 07 Oct 2006, 11:51

Gravitons are still a theory. All the others have been found, and if you believe that doesn't photons mediates EM interaction, you need to get back to schhol.
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Unread postby [T]osHiro » 07 Oct 2006, 11:57

Ethric wrote:Books on science in schools have to lie, to make you understand the basics. Then as you progress more and more "lies" are peeled away.
Wasn't that statement includes Santa Claus?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 12:05

Gaidal Cain wrote:Gravitons are still a theory. All the others have been found, and if you believe that doesn't photons mediates EM interaction, you need to get back to schhol.
And I was talking about gravitons back there.And gravity differs from other three forces and thats exactly why it having a medium is questionable.And this is just a bit too much science talk for other forum members,so Ill just shut up.And I should stop starting sentences with and as well :devious:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Oct 2006, 12:34

Ethric wrote:Books on science in schools have to lie, to make you understand the basics.
But why everything is made out of matter (atoms). Seriously, how does that help? I get being taught newtonian physics and the rest, but how does that sentence help?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 12:46

First you are taught that everything is indeed matter,then you are taught that matter and energy are actually just different aspect of the same thing,then that all of those are just oscilations of 1 dimensional particles(ok,this is still just a theory).Its a clear evolution of thought.Besides,even if gravity doesnt have a medium(gravitons),but is just a dimensional distortion,it still is influenced by matter,so the sentence is kind of correct.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Oct 2006, 12:55

Bah, "influenced by" doesn't mean "made of". And seeing as it's only mentioned once in the whole book i doubt they belived it was an important statement.

And GC, i asked about the forces themselves, not the particles that make them happen. Or am i missing something?
In physics, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory.
Oh, and i see no one touched the Descartes thing. Anyone know if that's actualy for real?!
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 07 Oct 2006, 13:19

ThunderTitan wrote: And GC, i asked about the forces themselves, not the particles that make them happen. Or am i missing something?
Well, a question like "what's a force made of?" is mostly meaningless. A force is a concept, not something you can hold in your hand. You can't ask "how strong is a baryon" either, because baryons are particles, not interactions.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 13:19

A force by definition is an interectaion between two bodies,so you cannot say it is actually made out of them.It is carried by particles,but it isn made out of them.

As for the descartes thing,what exactly are you refering to?The thinking part or the coordinat system?The coordinat system is just a model,therefore its not real as in tangible.The "I think therefore I am" is an excelent way of explaining unexplainable things(the anthropomorphism rule),but you cannot really say that it is correct any more than that it is incorrect.Or were you refering to something else,like optics? :devious:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Oct 2006, 13:24

Look at my original post DL. The thing with mushrooms and angels.

As for meaningless question, do those particles touch?! If not, how do they affect eachother?

Anyway, this is getting way off-topic.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Oct 2006, 13:33

Well did einstein really ride the beam of light when he found relativity?

As for the force,Im searching for some helpfull links to explain it to you(Im lousy at explaining),but GC might already know loads,so better ask him.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 07 Oct 2006, 16:13

ThunderTitan wrote: As for meaningless question, do those particles touch?! If not, how do they affect eachother?
Since the particles that mediates forces obey quatum mechanics "touch" isn't a very good concept, since they won't have a welldefined position. They are emitted and absorbed by the particles that interacts though, so I guess you could say that they do touch.
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Unread postby gravyluvr » 07 Oct 2006, 19:11

If you all like it so much why don't you change your username to Gravityluvr?!?


What a silly silly name
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Unread postby Mytical » 08 Oct 2006, 08:09

Where's Mytikal? Joined date 07 Aug 2006... We could roast her and her 11 post a day average! (You realize it is Mystikal, I mean Mistical, no no wait its..oh nevermind :rofl:).

Hey talking about me behind my back is no fun, how can I join in if I don't know about it!!?

Anyhow good work on all this :). Really funny (when we don't have scientific discussions.) More more more and more please.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 08 Oct 2006, 10:24

Lets roast this new stefan dude that flooded his post count like some pool,and this new mystical creature that grins behind her DMG :devious:

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