I came out wearly 2nd week and there was Raven waiting near the portal with 1.2k skellies and some other rubble. So I've read ppls coments here and decided to mess around on her turf and wait for a week to get nuff troops to make a stand, captured her town while she was away and flaged some mines...
Now my I'm about to attack her with my new army, and just before doing so i check Ravens troops again, now she has 2.9k skellies o.O, that was 1 week later after coming out of the portal. (she has also goten 25 nightmares somewhere :/)
I have resurection on Finni, but im sorry 2.9k skellies at the start of week 3 is still 2.9k. I dont see how its possible to beat that without Sandro's cloack and dark magic, unless you keep running all the time.
I checked back, and sure enough her skellies grow in number, one day it went from 1.6k to 2.9k.
I dont think slow and steady gonna cut it here.
Have fun with that one

Edited on Tue, Oct 03 2006, 08:06 by Tennmuerti