Hands on Preview of HoMMV (Jan13/06) New Screens!

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Hands on Preview of HoMMV (Jan13/06) New Screens!

Unread postby Hutzal » 13 Jan 2006, 17:23

RPGdot.com posted that a russian site put up a hands on impression of the game in russian and were not able to translate it into english.

I found a translater and am posting their impressions in english. Some if it is pretty bad translation, but for the most part you can still discern what they are saying!

Hint, some sentances read backwards.


Original Link: http://www.crpg.ru/sections.php?op=view ... artid=1995 Follow link for some new screens!


Genre: Step-by-step strategy with role elements
The developer: Nival Interactive
The publisher: Ubisoft
The publisher in Russia: Nival Interactive (1C - distribution)
Similar games: Games of series Heroes of Might and Magic
System requirements: there Are no exact data
Date of an output(exit): March, 2006
Official site of game: http: // www.nival.com/homm5_ru/
Reflections aloud

Conversations on that Heroes of Might and Magic are engaged in development of the fifth guys from Nival Interactive, for the first time have gone about(near) two years ago. At first, such assumption caused only skeptical smiles of players. And really, the idea that development of continuation of one of the most cult game serials, have entrusted to domestic developers, seem simply improbable. This Heroes! Fortunately, even the most unusual dreams at times come true. Hearings appeared the truth, and anything surprising in it is not present. On the party(side) of the domestic company was both world(global) popularity, and a wide experience in development of step-by-step strategy, and the most advanced technologies. Perhaps, already it is possible to ascertain, that decision Ubisoft appeared correct on all hundred.
And in fact, when we were still shaked in the bus of 800-th route, slowly, but, truly coming nearer to office Nivala, we were overcome with some doubts. Yes, we, certainly, saw tens tremendous screenshots, set отменных videoclips, read numerous interviews of developers and caught each particle of the information on game. But, to tell the truth, the integral impression about the project at us and has not developed. Therefore there were some fears to see a beautiful knickknack or a banal remake of the third Heroes with modern графикой.

At last having reached up to " a grey high building at a wood ", we have risen on the fifth floor and representatives of PR-service of the company have got in possession Nival Interactive where us and have met Элина Терёхина with Dmitry Estrinym. And here, we already sit in rather spacious room, устремив looks on the screen of the monitor where one of the freshest versions Heroes of Might and Magic V … starts to be loaded

In general
The first, that rivets attention in new Heroes is, certainly, the schedule. The decision to transfer game in full 3D and " to release(let off) the chamber ", in my opinion, appeared completely true. You can consider an armour of your hero in full details or soar up under clouds, at the certain corner of the review having captured a sight of a half-card(half-map). Both it is functional, and it is beautiful. And as all these shaken trees and animated objects on a card(map) are looked in movement - words to not describe. Believe, it grasps spirit more cleanly the most modern effects in modern shooters. Put at all that game is perfect in the technological plan - is not present, is and projects much more impressing from the point of view of technologies. But here in connection with style of competitors at Heroes of Might and Magic V for today simply is not present. Each model of characters, each structure are traced with huge carefulness and love. In Nival Interactive artists and animators of a экстра-class definitely work.
However, one графикой, as is known, will not be full. A gameplay - here the main highlight of the project. Here it is necessary to recognize, that before Ubisoft and Nival Interactive there was a архи-challenge: to keep spirit and mechanics of the previous parts of a series and to introduce the changes deducing(removing) it(him) on qualitatively new level. The pursuit of two hares " turns out such ". Also that the most interesting, similar, that our compatriots managed to catch up and catch both.

In general

Game process not too that has changed. Developers have refused some doubtful innovations of the fourth part and have revived many nice(famous) traditions of the third Heroes. As before we have two basic modes: strategic and tactical. There are heroes and cities. All this is familiar and is recognized. We battle to neutral essences or enemy heroes, we grasp and we defend fortresses, we travel on адвенчурной to a card(map) in searches of additional tasks and artefacts. There will be even a Grail, with obelisks and collecting of slices of a card(map).

In total in game six types of locks (играбельных races): Haven, Academy, Inferno, Necropolis, Dungeon and Sylvan. In cities, as before, it is possible to erect buildings, to employ and improve armies. In a tavern it is possible to meet heroes and <to persuade> them for n-ую the sum gold to join you. More often there leaders of your fraction, certainly, come across, but the chance to meet in lock Haven, say, эльфийского the ranger is rather great. As it was already spoken above, developers got rid of the most unsuccessful ideas of last part of a series. In the big degree it has touched cities: the quantity(amount) of units, as well as is got(started) at decent essences, once a week, instead of every day now increases. Heroes should not reel up circles around of the lock in any more hope to wait one more " black дракончика ". In total in each lock seven kinds of essences, it is possible to improve each of which. Also we now can build absolutely all buildings: Times when it was necessary to choose between construction of a barracks for копейщиков and баллистами, have sunk into oblivion.

By the way, as all of you already, for certain, know, cities also became completely three-dimensional, that, certainly, did for them good. They are looked simply superb. All changes, constructions are displayed and on the screen of city. To tell the truth, on адвенчурной to a card(map) there are only basic structures and improvements, but it not too afflicts. The role system has changed a little. Collecting treasured сундучки and battling in bloody fights, our young and inexperienced hero, gradually accumulates experience, gets new skills and перки. As before, each hero - the person, with the history and unique, knacks. To tell the truth, developers have refused system of ranks so, for example, archimagi us to become it is not fated. And it is a pity. A prerogative of heroes became independent movement on a card(map), essences it now is inaccessible. But caravans between friendly cities everyone will be. One more pleasant news became that fact, that above a soundtrack of game the person written music for all four Heroes, Uniforms King works. And it means, that tremendous melodies on the beauty again will be with us.

Battles - our all
Perhaps, to the most serious changes tactical fights have undergone. And speech at all that heroes again will directly not participate in battle. It (he) has not got to anywhere and step-by-step fight, here only: has ceased to be classical in full understanding of this word. Orthodox admirers of a series, for certain, in fear were seized by hearts. Easy, friends! Simply at each essence and the hero the parameter of the initiative on which depends as this unit will frequently go has appeared. I can not tell, that this innovation has radically changed game process, but dynamics(changes) and tactical depth has definitely added. Now, the situation when, for example, шустрые skeletons will have time to reach the opponent is possible(probable) and some times to strike on it(him) while sluggish зомби hardly - hardly will reach enemy essences.
Before fight to us by tradition suggest to place army. Some big essences, like dragons, can borrow(occupy) at once some cells. Having finished with this procedure, we start fight. Below we have the scale of initiative showing as soon there will come(step) a course of each unit. Fractions strikingly differ from each other not only appearance, but also a manner of game. Promotes a variety and introduction of special racial abilities. Moreover, even each essence will have feature, unique skill. Грифоны can fly up on some courses in air that then to fall upon the area specified earlier. If the opponent will guess a direction of impact and will have time to clean(remove) the essences therefrom грифоны will simply waste time all for nothing. And such tactical dodges, simple at first sight, but complex on the second, in game set. Well and battle is a present(true) enchantling spectacle of paints and special effects. The clever chamber over and over again choosing so successful foreshortenings pleases, what even after tens fights there is no desire to disconnect her(it).

Besides a usual exchange of usual impacts and application of abilities, heroes and some essences also can create spells. In total available five magic schools: Destructive Magic, Dark Magic, Light Magic, Summoning Magic (she(it) magic of the nature). In each of them on five levels. In general, all is besides recognized, down to separate charms. Unfortunately, the size of a battlefield will not vary depending on quantity(amount) of essences or the filled stacks at the battling parties(sides). However, at осаде locks, it will increase for the order. Itself осада it is not enough, than differs that we saw in the previous games series. Catapults all also destroy walls, arrows(pointers) on protective towers прореживают enemy numbers(lines), and flying essences with ease jump through walls. Each lock will have also protective feature: рвы, entangling legs(foots) roots and so forth.

In general, developers have achieved desirable: the saturation and dynamics(changes) of battles have raised(increased) on the order, tactical opportunities have extended, and every possible graphic effects please an eye. Have not got to anywhere and automatic fights, so if you laziness to win back high-grade battle:

Peripetias of a plot
As is known, for universe Might and Magic Ubisoft has developed completely the new world, under name Ашан, having refused from a subject heritage 3DO. By the way, action Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, another юбисофтовской games, will occur also in Ашане, and, under Ervana Le Breton's application(statement), the producer, responsible for coordination of script writers, writers and designers Ubisoft, subject lines of these two projects will be crossed here and there.
In general, the outset in Heroes of Might and Magic V is rather simple: rest of the Empire Griffinskoj preparing for wedding of young emperor Nikolay and Isabella (Исабель) is broken by intrusion of demons. Nikolay, as well as his(its) father twenty years ago, conducts the army on war, having left narrowed in a safe Years(Summer) Palace. But defeat follows defeat and Исабель decides to help the husband, having sent the authorized representatives, Беатрису and Годрика to search the help at powerful magicians of Sparkling Cities and mysterious эльфов Ироллана: One of the basic suppliers of subject data videoclips on a cursor of game become. On direction reminds that we saw in Warcraft III and it a little, understand, a compliment. Besides, together with new graphic technologies, at developers new opportunities for creation of atmospheric and impressing rollers have appeared. We hope and on sound озвучку.

Besides usual missions of us in what from the very beginning of locks there will be no also they just wait also is necessary to grasp. In addition, guys from Nival Interactive have given one more pleasant surprise, having made unique in own way night mission. Functionally she(it) almost differs nothing from the others, but from the aesthetic point of view is capable to result in delight of any player.

Jotas - сит and not only
Developers give very big attention to a multiplayer. Has not got to anywhere " great and awful " jotas - сит on which in due time, everyone playing in Heroes, has spent a great lot of sleepless nights. In addition, new modes will appear some, for example, duel, whose concept, I think much will seem familiar on "Демиургам". Each player types(collects) army of essences and fight begins. A detail of others мультиплеерных modes developers yet do not open, but also here us the couple of surprises, for certain, waits.

Heroes are not born, Heroes become
At present Heroes of Might and Magic V already generally are ready. Yes, works above the interface are still conducted, mistakes are caught, the balance is perfected, and even addition of any new opportunities, but, similar is discussed, that at Nival Interactive and Ubisoft the verified game turns out отменно. Madly beautiful, dynamical, simple under the form and deep under the maintenance(contents), the fifth Heroes not only continue nice(famous) traditions of a series, but also introduce the unique features and features.

Certainly, to make full and precise representation about the project in some hours it is impossible. For example, I shall not undertake to judge value and quality of a strategic mode as it is necessary for high-grade acquaintance to much more time. But know, since we have left(abandoned) hospitable office Nival Interactive, the desire again to plunge into the surprising world of the fifth Heroes does not cease to torment me. Game, really, grasps, forcing again and again mentally to come back by those not numerous happy o'clock which have been lead(which have been carried out) behind it(her). Even now, when these lines are written, it would be desirable to forget about all and to jerk aside stations of the underground of the October Field, in shy hope, once again to look at this miracle, even with half an eye. Believe, new Heroes are almost an embodiment of dream. I hope, that after an output(exit) of game it "almost" will disappear. Тьфу-тьфу-тьфу.
Last edited by Hutzal on 13 Jan 2006, 17:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 13 Jan 2006, 17:30

Thanks for translating, and posting this! :D

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Unread postby Angelspit » 13 Jan 2006, 17:48

Is that a Babel Fish translation? It sure looks like one. :)

Thanks for the post.
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Jan 2006, 18:10

OMG, that's the ugliest Black Dragon EVER. And what's up with the Dungeon town? Where do the Dark Elves live? And who stole that statue's nipples? Or do Elves lack that feature?

10x for the post...
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Unread postby Hutzal » 13 Jan 2006, 18:25

its from an online translater :)

Does the job for free tho :)

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Unread postby Hutzal » 13 Jan 2006, 18:36

ThunderTitan wrote:OMG, that's the ugliest Black Dragon EVER. And what's up with the Dungeon town? Where do the Dark Elves live? And who stole that statue's nipples? Or do Elves lack that feature?

10x for the post...
Also, that picture is a Green Dragon, the Level 7 unit for the elves.

Unless someone can correct me?


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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 13 Jan 2006, 18:39

Seems black enough to me. Why would they have a green dragon among all the dungeon troops?
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Jan 2006, 18:42

Hutzal wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:OMG, that's the ugliest Black Dragon EVER. And what's up with the Dungeon town? Where do the Dark Elves live? And who stole that statue's nipples? Or do Elves lack that feature?

10x for the post...
Also, that picture is a Green Dragon, the Level 7 unit for the elves.

Unless someone can correct me?


Academy vs. Dungeon. No Sylvan. Still elves, different colour dragon.

Destructive Magic
:up: about damn time to! Not the best name, but it grows on you (especialy after you aren't able to think of a good alternative).

And here's a more cleaned up version: http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/he ... view.shtml
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Unread postby Caradrayn » 13 Jan 2006, 20:26

Gaidal Cain wrote:Why would they have a green dragon among all the dungeon troops?
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK it is still possible to recruit creatures of opposite allignment or generally speaking from other towns?
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Unread postby Thelonious » 13 Jan 2006, 20:54

Looks like we can all get some hands on on 19th of January ourselves.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 13 Jan 2006, 20:58

Caradrayn wrote: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK it is still possible to recruit creatures of opposite allignment or generally speaking from other towns?
Yes, but at this point, they're trying to showcase the town. Having a green dragon among the dungeon troops would then be too confusing. ;)
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Unread postby Thelonious » 13 Jan 2006, 21:12

Yeah, and it doesn't look like the concept art... :devious:

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Unread postby Arzang » 13 Jan 2006, 23:42

me, I'll just wait until the open beta. no need to read any hands-on thingies.

and that dragon to me looked awesome. are you even going to mention H3 dragons?each dragon looked the frigging same except for the color. H4 was good on this aspect, there were very few dragons in the game.

the colossus looks ugly though. too bodybuilder-in-speedoish. academy on the concept arts looks awesome but on every in-game screenshot I've seen they look weird.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 14 Jan 2006, 10:42

Well I like the looks. It's a bit of shame of the elphants though, they look strange compared with the rest. But the rest is OK

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Unread postby Orfinn » 15 Jan 2006, 12:54

That doubtly a Black Dragon, for me its Shadow Dragon the unupg beast. Just take a look at the shadow dragon concept art, its greenish but maybe they added abit black on it as seen on this screenshot, just to give a clue that it evolves, turns, get upgraded to a black dragon.
If it is a black dragon, well I think its good enough, I havent seen completely black dragons before (in game=), in fact all of them had some shimmers of blue,red or green but ofcourse this one should have some more black on its scales.
At least it seems it looks much better than the B-dragon from H4, still its too small! It should be almost as big as the colossus ;)
The rest of the creatures looks good enough but not fantastic.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Jan 2006, 15:32

I don't really care if it's Shadow or Black, it still looks ugly to me.

The Colossus/Titan also look weird (i really hate the hair and those things on his hands)!

And i don't like the graphics either. IMO the look of the games has been slowly going downhill since H2. Sure the graphics have gotten better in 3 and 4, but the creatures have looked worse... and now, in 5, i don't even like the graphics. :(
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Unread postby Orfinn » 15 Jan 2006, 16:22

ThunderTitan wrote:I don't really care if it's Shadow or Black, it still looks ugly to me.
Because of the "ears", the color (even if it is shadow) amd its armored back and neck?

Anyway everbody have their own opinions, and good is that.

I like this dragon if it is shadow its great, if it is black well some more black would do. B-)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 Jan 2006, 19:07

And the gennies are still slapping everyone around. :disagree: Sigh...

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