The quest is return a 4 leaf clover for 1000 experience points.
1) Place a seer hut. Click on it to highlight it. Click on th "object properties tree" button.
2) You need to make a text file at each of these fields: CaptionFileRef, DescriptionFileRef. The text files must be very short.
3) Under "Kind" chose "Obtain artifact"
4) Right click on parameters and click "Add" twice to make 2 new elements. Now, click to the right of the top element and type in 8, which is the ID for the clover artifact. Make the second element "1" , which means you need 1 clover to complete the quest.
5) Under award type chose experience and under that, type 1000.
6) Change take contribution to true so the clover will be removed.
Creeating a progress field message does not seem to work.
Edit: Actually the progress message goes in your quest logbook along with the description.