Might and Magic 7 Mod: Addition of brand new Artifact

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Might and Magic 7 Mod: Addition of brand new Artifact

Unread postby Vector » 30 Sep 2006, 18:56

I. What this Mod Does
II. Description on how to obtain it.
III. Installation
IV. Credits
V. Questions/input
VI. Download Link:
VII. Picture/Link to picture

I. What this Mod Does:

This mod basically adds an unused Artifact/Relic dagger that 3do never included in the official release of Might and Magic 7.

This weapon replaces Lady Carmine's 'Mage Dagger' with 'Pella,' an Artifact Dagger. This is a completely new weapon, never-before-seen. I put the artifact, 'Pella,' on Lady Carmine because it was the easiest way I could think of to add it to the game (I don't know, as of right now, how to make the weapon a random artifact you can pick off a dragon/titan/genie). Also, her character made the best sense to me, especially since she is a spy; ironic to weild a weapon made to kill assassins and spies. Very unique.

There is a picture in the Download file, as well as a link on the bottom of this post; you can read the stats, damage, description, etc.

II. Description on how to obtain it.

You can get this weapon by playing the 'Dark Side' and completing the quest where you kill Lady Carmine (Assassin Promotion); just as well, you can play the Light Side and kill her as well (no quest involved with the Light Side). You may be able to even steal it.

This weapon does not unbalance the game; there are artifacts/relics that are better than this weapon, and there are artifacts/relics that aren't better.

III. Installation:

Replace the 'events.lod' file under the 'Data Files' section in your Might and Magic 7 Folder with the one provided in this download.

IV. Credits

If you wish to use this particular item in your own mod, please contact me first/give me credit. Thanks all.

V. Questions/input

If you have any questions about installation, or just general input, please send me an E-mail at: Vector_03@hotmail.com

VI. Download Link:

This isn't a big file at all; anybody can download it as it's less than a half a meg.


VII. Picture/Link to picture

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e400/ ... -Pella.jpg

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Unread postby Lord13 » 01 Oct 2006, 04:35

It's nice to see that, i will check it out
but I couldn't call it...a mod!! Just a new
item doesn't mean that we have a mod :-p

Anyway, thx for the info and I hope to see
more adds/mods for MnM games soon :-D
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